Chapter 5

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During the night

After Stefan made Aryanna sleep and made sure that she is fast asleep he got up and went to the living room. They had agreed that they would continue the conversation about what Enzo and Damon had witnessed on her work.

Stefan: So, what did you two saw?

Damon: First, the place was dirty. It wasn't a type of place that she should be in in the first place, the people there were always hitting on her, trying to pull her to their sides and all of that and even though she said no they wouldn't leave her alone.

Elijah: And what you two did, just let them do it that to her?

Enzo: She never let us interview, according to her she needed this job to pay for the house and other expenses.

Klaus: She doesn't need that anymore, she has us.

Finn: She has us now, but before she didn't have anyone. She needed the money to survive.

Kol: We know, he just meant that she will never need anything more in her life. We will give her whenever she wants.

Kai: We will made sure of that. But I want to know, what about this Ajax guy?

Enzo: Ajax was the owners son. For what we saw he was trying to get with her and didn't mind being physical even after she said no.

Stefan: And what did you two did?

Damon: Well, Enzo here calmed her down and made her quit her job. Thank you for that by the way. And I had a long and pleasant talk to him.

Kol: You killed him, right?

Damon: Of course, I did, he touched our mate.

Henrik: Back on that, what exactly happened?

Enzo: For most of the night it was calm no troubles, then he came and grabbed her by her waist, pulling her to him.

Damon: The she started saying that she wouldn't go out with, rejecting him again. Then I lost patience and rip him of her.

Klaus: We should have come with her.

Elijah: We would have make it worse, you and Kol would have killed all the people in the bar.

Kol: True.

Kai: How did she react?

Enzo: She was shaking and looked embarrassed, I don't know why but she didn't even look at me.

Elijah: Maybe she didn't want us to know her problems.

Klaus: What do you mean?

Elijah: Let's think about how her life was before us. Her parents abandoned her and she had to work to provide for herself, without support or any help. She might not like to ask for help, nor feel good to receive because she isn't used.

Kol: So, let's make her used.

Stefan: Might not be that simple.

Damon: What you mean?

Henrik: He means that she might feel like a burden if we start by being aggressive.

Finn: Henrik is right, we should go slow.

Kai: Okay, we go slow and make her used. Now how are we in getting the things to get to Mystic Falls.

Klaus: I have talked to Rebekah, she compelled a private plane for us. We will be leaving tomorrow night.

All-Stefan: Good.

Stefan: We have other things to discuss as well.

Finn: What other things?

Stefan: I'm talking about the future. Remember that she said that here we are a TV show, so while Henrik, Kol and Kai were working on the spell, Klaus, Finn, and Elijah were talking about the past and Damon and Enzo were with her I watched the show.

Klaus: What did you found out?

Stefan: That we, specially the Mikaelsons, have a lot of enemies that would love to hurt her to get to us.

Enzo: We should work on that as soon as we return.

Elijah: We also could ask her about it since she watched the show herself.

Kol: Okay, tomorrow, in the plane we talk to her about that now let's rest.

All of them went to sleep. They all wanted to sleep by her side. Kol and Kai were denied the chance since they had already done last night. Henrik got a place by playing the "I was dead" card with Damon that said that he deserved since he killed the guy that hurt her. The others stayed at the living room and the second room.

The morning came and like last time Aryanna felt herself trapped again. In front of her was Henrik, he has his head on her chest. Because of their position she could smell his hair, she didn't know if it was the mate bond, but she loved the way he smelled. He smelled like mint, and she loved. She didn't notice when she tried to move to try to get closer to him. By doing that she realized that there was another person behind her. This one had his arms around her waist and his head on top of her. Moving her neck to look behind her she got closer to his face, closer enough to smell the cinnamon on him.

Lost in their smells she didn't realize that they were already awake and looking at her. Both had a smirk on their faces, loving the way they were making her fell. However this moment was cut short when Kol opened the door making a loud noise, scaring her.

Kol: Damon, Henrik let her go she needs to take a shower, get ready and eat breakfast before we leave.

Aryanna: Oh, what time is? Did I make us late?

Kol: No Darling, it's not your fault it's those two idiots here.

Damon/Henrik: Hey!!!

Aryanna giggled watching their interaction. By the sound of her laugh the trio couldn't hold their own smiles, watching their mate with adoration in their eyes. Still laughing she got up and went to the bathroom. After a while she went downstairs and found everyone there, except Rebekah who already was waiting in the plane.

Aryanna: Sorry, I'm late.

Elijah: It's okay Elskan, come you have to eat before we leave.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2023 ⏰

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