Chapter 4

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Third pov

Enzo: Can you explain to me who was that? And what was he talking about?

To say that Enzo was angry I would be an understanding. He was mad with anger; he couldn't think about anything besides killing that man. The only thing keeping him sane was the thought that his mate was in his arms and Damon was taking care of the man. But he still wanted answers.

Aryanna: His name is Ajax. He is the son of the owner, since I started working here he has tried to make me go out with him, I always refuse but he kept trying. He got worse with time, starting to touch me, or pulling me, grabbing. But I always got away with sometimes with some purple in the arms but nothing major.

As every word left her lips it just made to anger him more and more. Enzo closed his eyes and used his hears to listen what Damon is doing, he is certain that he had heard what Aryanna said by the way he was hitting Ajax.

Enzo: You are not going to work here anymore, let's go.

Aryanna: Wait, Enzo I can't lose this job. How would I pay for the house and other things?

Enzo: You do not need to worry about that anymore.

Aryanna: What do you mean?

Enzo: I mean that we will take care of you now. You are our mate, we will never let you in some kind of danger.

Enzo and Aryanna left the bar to meet Damon already waiting for them there. He was so mad that he didn't even say a word and looked tense, but only took Ayanna to hold his hand that calm down. They knew it wasn't her fault and they aren't mad at her. They were mad at that guy, who Damon had killed. The walk back to her house was silence and, different form earlier, the silence wasn't good. Enzo and Damon were still angry, and Aryanna was worried about the reaction she would get from the others.

She knew from the series that Damon and Enzo were one of the most psychotic ones. But she also knew that the Mikaelsons and Kai were worse when they wanted revenge. And if what Enzo said was truth then the rest of them will act the same. And that was what worried her. She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't even realize that they had arrived.

As soon as she opened the door she was engulfed in a hug. When she looks up she saw that the one hugging her was Kol, he was about to say something when he noticed their expression. Damon and Enzo's anger face and Aryanna distress face. He quickly realized that something might had happened during her work time.

Kol: What happened?

His question caught the attention form the others.

Enzo: She will not be working there anymore.

Elijah: What? Why?

Damon: Well because it looks like that there, there is someone who can't take a hint.

Stefan: What do you mean?

Enzo: He means that the son of the owner can't take a hint and kept pushing himself into our mate.

As soon as everyone understands what is going on their face immediately change from confused to anger. Klaus and Kol couldn't control themselves and their hybrid/vampire faces appeared. But before someone Aryanna was faster.

Aryanna: It's okay, I'm okay. Damon already dealt with him, and I promised Enzo that I would not be working there anymore.

Klaus: Did he touched you?

Aryanna: What?

Klaus: For Enzo and Damon to be this angry he didn't just said something offensive, so did he touched you?

Klaus question made everyone in the room tense and the degree of the room to droop negative.

Aryanna: H-He grabbed me by my waist, but Damon pulled him away.

Aryanna had barely finished speaking when she felt arms around her waist. The next thing she knew she was sat on Finn's lap and her legs when on Kai's. Finn was holding tight by her waist while he buried his head on her neck. Kai was rubbing his hands on her legs. Aryanna was stunned she couldn't believe what had just happened.

Aryanna: I'm fine.

Finn: I know.

Aryanna: Changing the subject, did you find a way to go back?

Henrik: We will be back on that.

Kol: But we did, on the next fool moon we need to perform a spell, but there is a catch.

Aryanna: And what it is?

Kai: We need to be on Mystic Fall.

Elijah: The next fool moon is in three days; we should leave today.

Aryanna: But how we will do that?

Klaus: What do you mean love?

Aryanna: I think that you all have forgotten, but in this word you are world wide famous. People can mistake you as your actors.

Stefan: We could just cover our faces.

Aryanna: And what about the documents?

Damon: We can just compel them.

Elijah: But it will work?

Klaus: What you mean brother?

Elijah: We are in a parallel universe, where vampires and supernatural creatures don't exist. There is the possibility that our abilities won't work on them.

Damon: They work.

Kol: And how would you know that?

Damon: Let's just say that when I had that conversation with Ajax I compelled him, so it works.

Kai: So we can do like that, the vampires compel the people, we go to Mystic Falls do the spell there and then we are back to our universe with our mate.

Finn: We should leave tomorrow morning, now she should go sleep.

Ayanna: It is still earlier.

Elijah: You are human Elskan, you need rest.

Stefan: Come I'll be with you tonight.

Stefan was faster than the rest of them. He quickly picks up Aryanna in a bride style and speed both to her room. He let her change and then came back to her room. While they were in the living room, she was trying o fight her sleep. Obviously, everyone noticed that's why no one argue in traveling tomorrow. When she finishes changing Stefan went back to her room, she was already in her bed with her eyes almost closed. Stefan came closer to her, pulling the blanket to cover her further and kissed her cheek laying down next to her.

Stefan: Good night Princess.

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