Fuck The Po-Po

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Chapter Playlist!
Lost- Anouk
Leave out all the rest- Linkin Park

They had no idea what was happening to their beloved best friends But Michael and Calum were still trying to find a way of spreading the word of the two missing teenage boys. They knew there was another press conference with the police in the next few days. However they couldn't help but feel that no matter how many press conferences they did, it wouldn't make any difference. If anything it was the police's way of eliminating them as suspects and they hated the idea that they were possibly being suspected of the kidnap of their two un-biological brothers.

So they had decided that they were going to take matters into their own hands or in Michaels exact words "Fuck the police, lets YouTube this shit and hope for the best" and yeah maybe he was in a bad mood but he had every right to be.

Calum being the slightly more sensible of the two wasn't quite as keen on the idea "But Mikey, what if no-one takes us seriously? What if the police see it and we get in trouble? What if loads of people join the hunt for Ash and Luke, we might end up losing them forever?" He continued rambling and mentioning as many what ifs as he could before Michael shut him up with a light slap on the arm.

He rubbed his face with his hand and internally groaned looking at the Kiwi lad "Dude shut up! We don't know what might happen but would you want to be stuck with what ifs, if they die?

Do you want to be asking yourself what if we had done that YouTube video, would they still be alive? No I didn't think so. It's the only hope we have at the moment and if it doesn't work we will think of something else, we will save Luke and Ashton I promise Cal" he sighed and placed his hand on Calum's shoulder, giving him a sympathetic smile.

The two of them set about making plans for what they wanted to have in their YouTube video, they'd decided they wanted to be wearing the T-shirts made for their missing friends; Calum would be wearing Ashton's face and Michael wearing Luke's. They also wanted to make sure they had as much information as they possibly could, such as a way to contact them if either or both of the boys was spotted. They had a crummy little website already made but they wanted to re-juvinate it and make it more modern with daily/weekly updates added to it.

They had so much they wanted to do and hopefully it would all be ready in time to shoot their video, which they'd agreed to film the day after the press conference. That gave them 3 days to prepare as much as they could. Michael's dad was great with computers so Michael suggested asking for his help with their website and hopefully he would agree.

So that night when he got home from the tanned boys' house Michael, sat his dad down and gulped nervously although he had nothing to be scared about he hated asking people for help because he liked being independent. He sat with his hands on the table fiddling with his fingers as he looked directly at his dad "So um dad, I was wondering if um.....you would help me with something?" His dad chuckled and nodded "what is it bud?" he asked with an amused tone.

Mikey felt himself calm down as he took a breath and spoke softly "Cal and I have a website for finding Luke and Ashton, but to put it bluntly it's shit" He tensed at the audible gasp coming from his dad. He closed his eyes and readied himself to continue "I wanted to know if you could help us modernize it a bit?" Mikey's eyes stayed closed as he waited for a response.

His dad stayed quiet whilst he thought over his request, when suddenly he felt his dad's hands on his and open his eyes cautiously to be met with a smile and a small chuckle "Of course, I'll help Mikey. You don't have to be scared to ask me, but please try not to swear in future" he spoke chuckling softly and Michael smiled, giving his dad a hug "Thanks Dad, you're the best" He was patted on the back as his dad left the room. Michael followed shortly after to text Calum the good news.

The following day before he left to go and see Calum he handed his laptop to his dad who had promised to get their website looking great by the time he came home. So with a little hope in his heart and a smile on his face he set off for Calum's yelling a goodbye to his parents.

As he arrived to Calum's house his smiled faltered upon seeing Mrs Irwin on the couch with tear tracks on her cheeks. His heart dropped out of his ass and he panicked a little thinking the worst. He then kicked himself for missing the news because he'd clearly missed something. He glanced over a Calum who was looking very solemn. The red-head was afraid to ask but he knew he had to otherwise he'd remain clueless.

He made several attempts to break the stiff silence but couldn't find the words he wanted to say. He'd been stood there for what felt like hours, but was probably only a few minutes looking between Anne-Marie and Calum's sad expressions before he finally plucked up the courage to spoke, his voice faltering at first "um...uh...what's happened?" He almost muttered but thankfully Calum had heard him so he didn't have to repeat himself. He watched the two of them carefully waiting for some kind of explanation.

Calum finally spoke up hoarsely "well uh...the police called this morning" With just those few words Michael could swear his heart was beating a mile a minute. He gulped not sure if he actually wanted to know after all. "They told us that they think, the longer that Luke and Ashton are missing.....the lower the chances of finding them alive will be. They also said at the moment there is a 40% chance of us. No-not find-finding th-them a-at al-all" Calum stuttered as his eyes brimmed with unshed tears.

Michael instinctively wrapped his arms round the slightly younger but by no means shorter lad. He rubbed his back soothingly, glancing over at Anne who had trained her stare on the carpet beneath her feet. He sighed walking somewhat awkwardly (due to the 6 foot something kiwi in his arms) towards the couch so they could have a group hug.

The movement made Calum chuckle slightly and the sound caught Anne's attention diverting her gaze from the floor to the two 6-foot something Aussie lads waddling her way. She couldn't help herself from giggling and for those few minutes that the room was filled with laughter, nothing else seemed to worry them as they shared a somewhat clumsy group hug which only made them laugh harder.

Once they had all calmed down and caught their breath, Michael and Calum shared a glance agreeing that now was the perfect chance to tell Anne what they were planning for 2 days' time and she was fully on board with idea, she even asked to be in the video.

So with the words of the police haunting them, the two boys got next to no sleep that night but it made them work extra hard on the preparations the following day, the constant reminder of the press conference in the back of their minds.

A/N Hey guys AshtonsBlondie here, its been a while since I've added a chapter into the story so i thought i'd treat you and write 2. the second will be updated tomorrow. Comment and Vote. We'd love to hear your feedback. Love you guys AshtonsBlondie Aka Kat<3

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