Overnight Ratings

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Calum took a deep breath as he pressed the record button; his hands are still a little shaky from the disastrous press conference that had ended with everyone in tears.  The police had stated at the beginning of the press conference how slim the chances of finding the missing teens alive were, leaving everyone with the grim reminder that these boys living on borrowed time. 

This made both Calum and Michael very determined to get their video global, it was their last and only hope. Both The Hemming’s and the Irwin’s had agreed to be in the video, to talk about their sons.

They all sat in the living room and waited for the red light to start flashing, to indicate that the camera was indeed recording.  At first the room was silent, people breathing being the only sounds heard as Michael and Calum plucked up the courage to speak and finally there appeal was under way. 

Michael closed eyes, breathed out and began to speak to the camera “Hi or is it Hey? I don’t even know but what I do know is that I’d hope that no one ever has to be in our position. That no-one has to be told there is little to no chance of their loved ones coming home alive. That no-one else has to suffer the way we have. We all sit heretoday to tell you a little about Ashton and Luke and urge you to help us find them. We know most people will ignore this, or laugh it off as a prank. But I’m telling you now that you, yes you the person watching this video. You are our last hope and without you we have absolutely no chance of finding them. Ashton was last seen on February 24th last year and Luke on October 29th “

He paused and rubbed at his eyes before looking down at his shirt portraying the smiling fae of his best friend. Calum took over speaking and continued “So because the police have failed to find them, we have decided to take matters into our own hands and make this video appeal. 

We’ll shortly be showing some clips of the boys in happier times, so that you guys can see how amazing they are. But for now we would like to introduce Mrs Irwin and Mrs Hemming’s as they would like to say a few words about their beloved sons..” he trailed of and smiled reassuringly at Liz and Anne.

They both smiled back at him and spoke into the camera, they spoke of how much they missed their sons and how badly they wanted them to come home safely. Calum and Michael sat watching the two women, trying to hold back their own tears as Anne and Liz smiled fondly into the camera. Calum pressed the button atop the camera and stopped the recording, they needed to edit a few things into the video before they could carry on, and that they did.

They added video clips of Ashton playing the drums, sweat dripping down his forehead and a smile plastered on to his face, they knew it would get the girls(and guys!) hearts thumping and as they added it in both boys shared a smirk that didn’t go unnoticed by the two mums.

The next clip was a clip of Luke taken when he performed in the school talent show, he was playing guitar and singing his heart out. Music was the one thing the boys had in common and it showed in this clip of Luke as he poured his heart into the song and pressed his eyes shut, feeling the rhythm of the song with his fingers.

The Third Clip was a mash-up of both boys as they grew up together and inevitably Calum, Michael and their families were shown in these clips too. The four of them sat watching the clips as they played out on the screen in front of them. Remembering the good times and hoping there would be more to come. 

The final clip was a little different, they had decided to add Calum’s song into the video, it wasn’t the first time Michael and the Mum’s had heard it but no matter how many times they heard it they would always tear up. It was so heart felt and raw you could feel the emotion in every word and it was just perfect for the video. 

Then it was time to talk again, though none of them really wanted to speak they knew this last bit needed to be said. They all nodded at each other and it was decided that Liz and Anne would finish off the video, they both breathed in deeply and waited for the signal from Calum that the camera was all set-up.

Once the signal was given they held hands and began to speak “Firstly we want to thank you if you’re still watching this video, it means the world to us that you’ve taken the time out of your day to watch us blabber on about our lost boys. It can’t be an easy thing to watch but we need as much help as we can get, you guys are our only hope and we hope to god that this video will touch some hearts and get us some support. 

If anyone has any news or knows where our sons might be then we have some ways for you to get in touch with us, We have a website which Calum’s dad has very kindly modernised for us, called www.FindingLukeyandAshton.com. The link will be posted below. You will find everything you need to know on the website, there is more info, contact details and a message board for you to post on. 

Please, Please, Please help us find our boys. It would mean more than anything to us. Calum and Mikey have put so much hard work and preparation into this video and we hope that whoever you are and wherever you may be. That you will help spread the word. Nothing can stop us now, We will bring our lost boys home!” They both smiled tearily into the camera and waved as Calum gave them the thumbs up, turning of the camera.

They all felt a sense of accomplishment and relief wash over them as Michael finished editing the video and posted it to YouTube. 

Little did the four of them know, that video was about to become an overnight sensation. 

A/N I hope you enjoyed this chapter, What did you think? Comment and let us know please and also vote. I Also want to say a huge thank you on behalf of Abi (the Damnedone) and myself for getting us over 7.6k reads. that is absolutely incredible. You're all amazing and We love you. Keep reading guys. Love you<3 

Kat Aka AshtonsBlondie 

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