Everything I Love Becomes Everything I lost

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(The italics are lyrics I find fitting for this chapter)

*Ashton Pov*

The night was all set. We were gonna be free. The gasoline lined the four corners. The brick I found in the pillow case. Ready to break the window so we can escaped.

I have the book of matches stuffed up my sleeve ready to strike one and toss it and watch the building go up in flames. I stare over at the cot where Luke was sleeping. My body got chills thinking about how I haven't told him the plan yet. It's too dangerous they could hear me, I'm just gonna tell him to follow my lead when the time finally comes.

Decide to get sleep I slide down against the wall and rest head again the cool cement of the basement. I close my eyes and drift away. Then suddenly I wake up, I can't breath it's hazy the room, eyes sting to open and I'm sweating.

I pull my shirt over my mouth and nose so I can breathe. I finally open my eyes and I can see the blazing yellow and orange color fill my eyes. This wasn't supposed to happen yet. I had to warn Luke first before I started the fire. I don't remember even lighting the match.

I finally realize I can't hear anything. I can't hear the crackling fire I can't hear my chain on the ground and I can't hear Luke screaming. I look at him, eyes filled with pain and fear. Mouth open and screaming, but I can't hear sound.

The silent is so loud it hurts my ears. I cover them in pain unable to figure out why my ears hurt so bad. I claw at m throat trying to get my chain off but it's stuck I can't get free.

I look over at Luke frantically this isn't how I planned it. I should have warned him about what was happening but I didn't.  Was I that stupid!

I rush to my bunk and grab the red brick and slam it against the chains on the ground slamming it until the forsaken thing finally breaks off and we are free. I run toward the window and slam the brick against the glass I hear it shatter I cover my hand a break more glass out of the window to give us room to get out. I quickly usher Luke towards the window quickly shoving him out.

I cough on the smoke in the room, my eyes burning and watering from the grey substance. I hoist myself up the window my stomach scrapping against the glass. I cry out in pain as I feel it lodge itself in my pale flesh. I take a shaky breath trying to pull myself up the rest of the way. I struggle until I feel a tension on my neck. I look at the broken chain on my neck caught on God knows what.

I yank at the chain pulling it with all the might I have but it won't budge. I look at Luke who's standing in the grass with a look of pure of confusion on his face. I smile at him, like it's the last time I'm ever gonna see him again.

I take in every detail of his face, like I'm seeing it for the first time. His jaw and cheekbones, perfectly shaping his face.

If I die young, bury me a satin, sink me in the river at dawn send me away with the words of a love song.

  I enjoy the way his light pink lips are on his face, very kissable, I think back to the first time we kissed. The non-existent fireworks exploding my head as I pushed my lips harder into his.

I stare at him again, he stares back at me, bright blue eyes piercing my soul.

"Run!" I scream, pleading with him to flee and get help.

"I've gotta live with the choices i made, and I can't live with myself today"

I hear the basement door open, "Josh! What the fuck happened?" One of them screams.

With all my might I try to squirm off the glass lodged in my lower stomach. I pull frantically on the chain again, once again getting no slack on it to escape.

"Tyler get him! Out the window!" Josh screams, I feel someone grab my chain, and yank it  forcibly. The glass shreds my stomach. I hit the hard ground my back instantly feeling the pain. I sit up and look at the faces of two men who captured me.

I can't focus though, everything is blurry, I'm seeing doubles as I press my hand against my stomach. My hand feels wet, I look down to see what caused the wetness and its blood. I gasp slightly, my breathing shallow as my head lulls to the side against the all too familiar cement floor.

I try to keep my eyes open as I lay against the floor unable to move. My body having no will power to move. I hear yelling around me people scrambling around. And the distinct sound of crackling flames.

Two hands are places on my shoulders and I'm shaken violently my head smacking the concert every time I'm jerked around, "you are my brother Ashton! Why did they take me away from you! Mom was shellfish and sent me away from you!" He yells, "don't you see I did this so we could be together!" He says running a hand in my hair, "why do you have ruin everything nice I do for you! I get you a boy because you were lonely and this how you thank me! By setting my house on fire and setting him free! You ruin everything Ashton!"

I blink my eyes a few times and take in my surroundings once again, "You're not my bother, and you never will be. You should haven't kidnapped me and kept me for so long. Brothers don't try and kill each other." I slur out. I feel something drip on my neck and I reach behind my head and I'm bleeding there also.

I feel my hair matted to my head form the sweat the heat in here is intense. That last thing I remember before everything went black was the sound of sirens and the sounds of Luke's screams.
Luke's pov

I look back in the window after I alerted the neighbors of what was going on. I knelt down and see my Ashton laying the ground, one hand on his stomach, one hand on the back of his head. Blood soaking his shirt and the red puddle on the ground was growing around his head.

"Ashton!" I scream, pleading for him to hang on. "Please I love you!" I cry.

I don't get a response not even a twitch of his fingers. I'm startled by the feeling two hands on my shoulder, "hey it's okay, come with me. I'm officer Joe Corr," he whispers to me.

"Please! Help him he's in there! Ashton! They're still in there with him!" I plead with him, hot tears running down my cheeks as I'm lead away from the scene.

I'm handed off to the paramedics as they strap me to a stretcher. I listen to sounds of what's going on then I hear it through the radio, "get a body bag, we got doa" I gasp crying thinking all it could be was my Ashton.

The firefighters have out the fire in the basement, just smoke now. Then I see it, his hair and body laying flat on a back board. Not moving arm dangling off the side as he's escorted into a different ambulance.

However no paramedics stops to help him, the doors shut and they drive off. They are driving off with me now. I lay in the back of the ambulance staring at the roof of the vehicle.

I close my eyes because it's over. Im not stuck in there anymore. No longer am I missing. I close my eyes and cry. I cry for Ashton, my dead friend and love. I cry for everything and nothing. I lay still and listen to my heart rate beeping on the ride to the hospital.

At last free.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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