you/ three way tie (chapter 1)

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(if you didn't read the description then here)

Name: Stormy S. McQueen (originally L/N).

Date of birth: June 25 1971.

Eyes: Smoky grayish-blue.

Hair: dark blue.

Skin: white with light brown freckles.(you can change this if you want).

Parents:(real dad)Smokey L/N and Jessica L/N.
(now) Samuel brown and Jessica brown (originally redwood).

Children: none.

Siblings: Lighting M. McQueen and Cyra N. McQueen.


Favorite color: blue.

Any serious conditions: you need your glasses to see without them you can’t see anything it’s all blurry. your also a epileptic (epilepsy it means that you can't look at bright flashing lights or else you will have a seizure)

A/N: for the record any of this can be changed but I don’t recommend changing things like the age or siblings or birthdate you can change the skin color or your favorite color or your hair stuff like that and have fun reading

Anyway let's begin

You got out of your car and walked over to Mack’s truck and saw lighting (your brother) giving himself a pep talk

“Hey Lightnin’ are you ready yet?” You asked

“Oh, yeah. Lightning's ready.” He said getting into his car he drove off

'hmm no bye' you thought

*time skip*

“Alright here’s what your going to d-“ lighting’s crew chef said but was cut off because lighting said

“ah ah ah what have I said about telling me what to do I know what I need to do”

“But I-“

“Your fired”

“W-what? But I-“


He stormed past you and the rest of the pit crew his face was red and he looked liked he was going to cry you walked past him and told him

“Hey everything is gonna be okay call this number and ask for a job tell ‘em ‘storm requested you’ ok?” You said handing him a piece of paper and you rubbed his back

“Ya know your the only one who’s been nice to me in a long time stormy(or Y/N)” he smiled and gladly took the piece of paper

“Well I’m just trying to keep the peace and hey it doesn’t hurt to be nice once in a while” you said

“Yeah and thanks again” he said

“No problem at all” you said

“Oh you probably need these” he said handing you the headphones

“yeah and take care mr Williams” you said walking away

“You too!” He said

You got back and you heard one of the men over the intercom pacifically Darrell Cartrip say “Bob, my blood pressure's through the roof right now. If this gets any more exciting, they're gonna have to drag me outta the booth!”

Bob Cutlass replied with “Right you are, Darrell. Three people are tied for the season points lead, heading into the final race of the season. And the winner of this race Darrell, will win the season title and, the Piston Cup. Does The King, Strip Weathers, have one more victory in him before retirement?”

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