Radiator springs (chapter 2)

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You looked at your heart necklace (it is also a music box look it up) and rubbed with your thumb where it said

You looked at your heart necklace (it is also a music box look it up) and rubbed with your thumb where it said

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(I got this picture off the Internet)

‘I’ll love you always’

“Not in your life” you heard someone say that someone was your brother

“How’d it go?” You asked him

“Ugh I hate old and dirty people!” He said

“Well if your done than you can go ahead and get in the my car and we’ll follow behi-“



“I said ‘nope’ because I’m going to stay in my car until we get to Cali I want to be ready when we get there” he said with a lot of confidence

“Ok then..” you said confused

*time skip of ‘life is a highway’*

”hmm” you hummed

you were listening to music on your phone (don’t stop me now by queen check it out if you don’t know what it is) then all of a sudden four people driving really flashy and unnecessary cars drove in front of you

one of the people driving the cars cut you off and started to slow down to let the others get in front of ‘em

then three of them drove next to Mack you couldn’t see what they were doing then the one in front of you quickly drove  off you were focused on them so you didn’t see the back door on Mack’s truck open

when you did you quickly swerved the sound of you tires screech against the pavement woke up lightning he jolted awake and drove off the road because of a truck’s horn honking

he drove back on to the road and caught up to you, he rolled down his window

“where’s Mack?!” He yelled

”I don’t know!” You yelled back


“I think I see him!” He said as drove sped up

Lightning rolled up his window (remember that) and then you started following lightning

*time skip to we’re you both almost got rekted by a train*

He then drive alongside the truck, but its trailer's side lightning said something then the driver of the truck Yelled at lightning and said “Mack?! I ain't driving no Mack, I'm driving a Peterbilt for dang sake! Turn on your lights, you moron!”

lightning told you “follow me to the interstate!”

You followed him but you didn’t see the sign that said 'route 66'

*Itty bitty time skip*

Out of nowhere a police officer in a black and white police cruiser pulled out from behind a sign and drove behind you blaring his police sirens that were flashing red

You suddenly heard a loud noise was heard from the cop car, you accidentally pressed down on your gas pedal which wasn’t good because there was a speed bump coming up

When you went over the speed bump you hit your head and the roof of your car and ended up knocking your glasses off and out the window

“Oh Chrysler..” you said hearing the sound of glass shattering on the ground assuming it was your glasses

‘ oh no oh no what am I going to do??’ You thought trying to stay in a straight line ‘If I stop that cop could crash gosh come on storm! Think think THINK!’

Then you did something you never thought you would ever do

you swerved hard to the right and hit something very solid like a building you immediately got out of your car and then got pulled and scratched by little sharp things tearing your racer jacket Pulling you to the ground and you hit your face on the concrete

‘Owww I’m actually glad I don’t have my glasses this time’ you thought

You could tell your nose was bleeding so you wiped it on your already tore and bloody jacket and stood on your feet you tired to look around the area and you noticed and blurry figure moving towards you

”miss are you alright? not to be rude but you don’t look good at all” the person said

”none taken and I’m sorry about that” you motioned behind you at your car

”it’s fine but can I ask you something?” the person said

“What?” You asked

“why in the world were y’all driving like that!” The person said raising there voice

you flinched at the sudden change of tone

”umm I-I don’t know why he was but I heard your car make that odd noise so I accidentally sped up and went over a speed bump and I hit my head and my glasses fell out the window after that everything was blurry” you explained

“hmm I guess you didn’t really do anything wrong besides crashing in to a wall but this building was shut down years ago so it doesn’t really matter, but I gotta ask can the boy see fine? ”they said

“Yes he can” you said

“You know this for a fact?” They asked

“Yes I feel like I know my brother very well” you replied

“Ok just to let you know you might have to get up early tomorrow” they said

“Why?” You asked

“Because he has court for destruction of property disturbing the peace and vandalism” they said

“Vandalism?! Of what?” You asked shocked

“The Statue of our founder Stanley Steamer” they said

“Oh my goodness lightning why?” You said running you hands through your hair and down your face

“If you want you can stay the the cozy cone ran by a friend of mine,sally” they said almost desperate sounding

“Ok do you mind taking me to her?” You asked

“Not at all”

“Thank you uh-”

“Call me Sheriff and No problem”

“Sir or ma’am?” You asked

“Sir, why?” He Asked

“Just wondering” you replied

*small time skip*

You are now sitting on a bed in a medium sized room

“ARG!” You said falling on to the rest of the bed

‘if he would have road in my car this wouldn’t have ever happened’ you said to yourself

you sighed knowing that it wasn’t his fault it was those other people in there high tech cars

you took off your shoes and jacket and placed them somewhere in the room as you were walking back you knocked over something as it hit the ground it made a thud you grunted as you felt around on the floor for whatever you dropped you grabbed a glass cup off the floor you put it back on the table and laid down and after awhile you went to sleep

*in the morning*

you got up and put your jacket on and put your shoes on and waited for the sheriff come get you for your brothers court day

PART 1 to be continued….

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