court/radiator springs pt2 (chapter 3)

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I thought to myself 'I wonder how long the sheriff will be'

Then came and knock on the door

'hmm did I just jinx myself' I thought

"May I come in?" The sheriff asked

'i did'

"Yes you may" I replied

He slowly opened the door

"Are you ready?" He asked

"Yeah.. let's get this over with" I said with a sigh

The sheriff helped me walk to the courthouse and showed me to my seat

"I have to go get your brother and I trust you to sit right here, I can trust you right?" He asked

"Yes sir, you can" I said

"Good I'll be right back" he said walking away

The sound of his footsteps got quieter and quieter as he got to the end of the room he opened the door and walked out with the sound of the giant brown doors making a thud as they closed

A little bit later those giant doors open

Multiple pairs of footsteps walked in but one pair was faster than the others

I felt a hand on my shoulder, someone pushed my shoulder the other way turning my body in the spinning chair I was sitting in

"You're the one who wrecked our town!?" A man said with a thick Mexican accent

"N-no I'm the one who crashed into the wall..." I said embarrassed and ashamed of myself

"Oh.. uh sorry my name is Ramone" he said


"Hmmph rude..." He quietly said

"What?" I asked

"Well usually when someone holds out their hand, ya shake it" he said in a upset tone

"I'm sorry I can't see without my glasses" I said

"Oh again sorry, real sorry" he said feeling stupid

"It's fine you didn't know simple mistake" I smiled

✨3 person pov (I think)✨

You then heard the sheriff call the court to order "The Radiator Springs Court room will come to order!"

As Two more people enter the courtroom, Ramone said "Hey, you scratched my paint! I ought take a torch to you, man!"

Another person said "You broke-a the road! You a very bad person!"

After some more shouting and some more name calling

Lightning sat down and started talking to the sheriff "Officer, talk to me, babe. How long is this gonna take? I gotta get to California, pronto"

"Where's your lawyer?" The sheriff asked

Lightning scoffed "I don't know. Tahiti maybe. He's got a timeshare there"

You groaned "no sir, we don't have a lawyer"

"well if a defendant has no lawyer, the court will assign one to 'em" he explained "Hey! Anyone want to be there lawyer?"

Shuffling was Heard but then all went quiet until one person spoke up and said "Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!"

He walked around the table and sat beside you

"Hi nice to meet ya I'm mater, your lawyer" he said grabbing your hand and shaking it

"Oh uh hi mater thanks for being our lawyer??" you said

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