my theories and HEADCANONS

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Lightning McQueen: He grew up with his mother that's why he's a jerk most of the time because he was taught either you have money and your something or you don't have money and your not anything.

Stormy McQueen(you):you sleeps with three pillows one under your head, one between your legs, and one you can snuggle while you falls dont like to feel alone.

Doc Hudson:He remembers when he raced at thunder hollow, he still has the picture and he has had a heart attack before and he fears having one again.

(Look up 'cars trivia' click the IMDB link and if you scroll far enough you'll see in these words 'early drafts featured doc Hudson having a heart attack, and being jump-stared by sarge.)

The sheriff:He is gay and hasn't found 'the one' yet

Sally Carrera:she doesn't wear skirts for personal reasons...she doesn't like to talk about it.

Tom (not sorry) mater:he has a wild imagination so wild that he made all of cars 2 up in his head and when asked why doc wasn't apart of the story he said

"He was somewhere else.."

Ramone Martin:People used to pick on him because he loved art and he was and still is a BIG mamas boy.

flo Martin:She was fairly Tom-boyish when she was little like shorts, short hair, playing with dirt (like who didn't) but she changed when she discovered LIPSTICK she couldn't get away from it.

Fillmore Carlin:He is really gay for sarge but he's to afraid of sarge saying stuff like he's weird or gross and he doesn't want sarge to leave him or the others

Sarge Dooley:He is really gay for Fillmore but he is afraid of getting to close to him on account of what happened to his mother that's why he is so cold to everyone even to the one he loves the most.

Guido Quaroni:He was homeless for a while he ended up meeting Luigi when he stole food from his aunt and uncle and they took him in and he lived with them for a long time.

Luigi Shalhoub:His parents died in a car accident when he was 11 years old and he continued to live with his uncle and aunt until him and his best friend opened a shoe/tire shop on Route 66, 19 years later.

Lizzie Helmond:She became very depressed when Stanley past away almost killing herself but was stopped by red that's why red is close to her most of the time

Red Ranft:It hurts red to speak or make any noise in general because while he was on a mission he inhaled to much smoke permanently damaging his lungs,so when he does make noise or cry it's because he is hurt a lot.

Dusty and rusty rust-eze:(my theory actually)There not brothers, they are a married couple of 23 years they privately got married at 17 years old because they loved each other so much but sense they grew up in a time where being gay was frowned upon they called each other brothers.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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