Chapter 4: A Matter of Time

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An entire month has passed and today June 30th was the last day of summer school. Dianne and I were passing through the hallway retelling tales of the past crimes of our youth. "So Mr. Morrison was signing a demerit for me in Bible Class, and suddenly I get the urge to say "Hey Morrison, you can't sign that demerit for the Lord shall intervene." And so just when I said that, the children's choir one classroom over started singing, and I go "Look sir!!! The angels are on my side!!! It's a miracle!!!" Dianne burst to tears laughing at that historic achievement in my life and I laughed along with her. "Damn, Colt, you crack me up sometimes you know that? However your story doesn't beat mine." I listened to my friend and realized how much I appreciated her. She is the first friend I had in this new limbo, I was the newest entry in Chamber Heights and thanks to this wonderful human being I've met on this journey, I never felt like a stranger in foreign lands, I felt right at home. In fact it was Dianne that inspired me to accept the entity of Mia Valentine into my cold, depressive, yet extravagant life. For this I am truly grateful, without Dianne, I would've never seen a Goddess face to face and win her heart. Mia Valentine became my everything because of Dianne Dawson, and a better friend could never be asked for by a suicidal sociopath like myself. "So then the bra had ranch dressing in it and...." I hugged her and smiled and said "Thank you for making me feel welcome, I look forward to seeing you during the semester." She stopped and smiled and said "Yeah yeah don't get all sappy on me ya pansy ass, run along now, you have a girl to get and I have McDonald's waiting at home, so we both are making dreams come true." And with that she left.
Shit!!! Of course!!! Today is the day. The day I ask Mia Valentine to be my girlfriend!!! We had gone out a few times this month, once to the bowling alley with friends, the other two at the movies. It was going to be amazing. Summer afternoons are both the most and least satisfactory of all afternoons. The most being that the sheer beauty of our celestial star's decent holds the power to infuse the human soul with peace, tranquility, and an aimless symbolism that nothing in the world matters except for this moment now, an illusion if you will, even an escape from the hardships that every human being is confronted by as time goes by. The amber halo that surrounds the glowing sphere of warmth and radiates itself into a pink aurora that spreads throughout the purple skies of a dying day, an art of nature. However the downfall to these summer afternoons are the simple fact that time moves on, and the sundown is a constant reminder of it. This season is a dream, where the regular stress of school life and the incomodities of being a teenager diminish into a fading memory. But as aforementioned this is just a dream, it is only temporary, and eventually one must wake up and face the reality that is life, a series of random and unfortunate events that are responsible for shaping you into the person you are today, however, these events compare not to what happened to me today, how the end of the first month of the summer epoch felt like the end of my life altogether and how I felt that I wouldn't live to see August.
I met up with Mia during after class hours. She was sitting in the usual spot we hung out on this month, an enormous oak tree centered in Chamber Heights' recreational park. I climbed up to the long sturdy branch she was sitting in, always the middle one to the left, satisfying her craving for meat with an afternoon mushroom swiss cheeseburger with all fixings from the local Georgie's Burger Joint, I found it amazing how such a beautiful girl such as Mia Valentine could store as much food as a refrigerator in her stomach. Knowing her knack of being a burst of energy the entire day, it is understandable how a nuclear level amount of hyper-action requires that much fuel. The interactions and sociality I have had with Mia Valentine have been perfect, she is a human being after my entire affection, and my eternity will I be willing to give in order to please her. "Hey Colt, nice afternoon isn't it." I scooted over to her direction and opened a can of Fizzy Pop. "Afternoons are nature's painkillers." I said while taking a sip. "Nah I'm pretty sure that's weed." She said and we both laughed. I gazed into her maple eyes and knew I couldn't hold things in much longer, the way Mia Valentine has affected my life, in this short month, it has been the sole most important even in my life and I did not want to take that even for granted like the majority of opportunities that waltz into my life, I did not want this experience to be defined by a sundown and die in a beautiful hush. I held her hand and composed myself, and finally after sorting the various words in my unstable mind, I breathed it out. "I love you. Mia Valentine as God as my witness right now I can say that I am completely in love with you, and I want us to be together, some may say we are too young to feel an emotion like this in its profound depth but that's a bunch of bullshit, I know what I am feeling right now and that is love for you. You have managed to singlehandedly enamor me and took my heart as your own, I do not know how you feel about me but I certainly hope you have a mutual retrospect on the subject for if not, I will be forced to tickle the living hell out of you and I am well aware that you do not appreciate your weakness being revealed and..." I was stopped by tears running down her eyes. Did I do something wrong? Does she not feel the same? "Colton, I....I love you too, but we can't be together, you don't know my family, they would literally freak if they found out, and also, I don't feel the desire for a relationship right now Colton, I have this uneasy feeling that we shouldn't be together, atleast not now, it's too restrictive and I need to find myself, spread my wings, and you're sweet, you're absolutely lovely, and I do not deny that I have feelings for you but I just can't, I can't." She made her claim, wiped her tears from her eyes and climbed down from the branch and out of my life. I was stranded on that oak, still in shock by the message received, I cried. I never cry, my tear ducts only erupt when the emotion in my system overloads, and this was it. I felt like taking of my belt and hanging myself with it right on that oak branch, it's just a matter of time when things are perfect before they take a morbid turn for the worst, the love of my life just said we could not be togehter, and it hurts, it hurts very much. Actually bent on the suicide, I prepared my handcrafted noose until I got a text from Dean. "Yo come over man, I got two smokes with our names on them." I thought twice before I took my life, put my noose down, and descended into oblivion.

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