Chapter 6: Carry On

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I woke up in a hospital seconds after the impact, wondering what the hell happened and more importantly how come I wasn't dead yet. "You're lucky all you got was a broken arm dumbass." Said Dean as I woke up from what was supposed to be eternal slumber. Turns out I just fell two stories and landed on one of the tenants' balcony, then Dean took me to the hospital. "What the fuck Colt?!! What the fucking fuck is your fucking problem?!! Are you fucking stupid?!! Imagine I hadn't been there!!! Imagine your sorry ass wasn't lucky enough to land on that balcony!!! You don't just get to throw your fucking life away just because life bites you in the ass sometimes!!! You get up and you bite it back you fucking dumbass!!! What would I have told your mom, or your sister, Lucas, Dianne, hell what would I have told Mia huh?!! And what about me?!! Seeing my best friend splattered like a fucking watermelon on the street, what do you think would happen to me?!! Are you really so fucking narcissistic that you'd be willing to leave everyone you fucking care about?!! I thought you were better than that bro, and you just proved me wrong."
There was a long silence between the two of us. His words sliced me open with truth and honesty and it made me wonder why. Why would I do such a thing to the people I care about, the people who have helped me so much? My depression aided in the matter but still I would have thought that if anything was stronger than that it would have been the love I have for my friends, my family. And yet I feel like maybe I'm just predestined to make awful mistakes like the one I just pulled. Maybe that's why Mia doesn't want to be with me or have me as part of her life, and that in turn made me almost abandon the people that do want me to be there. "Does anyone..." "Know?" Dean broke the silence. "No, your lucky it was only me there, I told 'em you fell down some stairs." I sighed with relief. If Mom had found out or worse my sister Gwen. They would be devastated. "Look Colt, just promise you'll never do something as stupid as this again, there might not be anyone to catch you next time. Look that girl Mia, she doesn't know what she's missing and you know what there are plenty of girls out there, sure no girl is the same and yeah you really liked this one but some things just aren't meant to be, and maybe they are, just not for now. When turmoils and tempests come you don't succumb to their will, no sir, you keep your head on high, you show that you have testicles and you carry on. You're Colton "Goddamn" Barnaby, you are gonna take over the world someday, actually scratch that, WE are gonna take over the world someday, wanna know why? Cause we are bros, and we always got each other's back. Now as soon as you get up from that cot, you and me are gonna live life to the fullest alright. The only thing you'll be jumping out of is some babe's bed every single night alright buddy?" He lightly tapped me on the shoulder and I smiled. "Alright, and hey." I said as he headed for the door. "Thanks for saving me." He nodded and said "What are friends for right?" Then he went outside. "Carry on" I thought. "I'll try."

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