Our Best Times Together

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Chapter 3 - EP 7 - Our Best Times Together

DEMON SLAYER Opening –––––––––––––


Nezuko stopped advancing towards the demon that was merging through the ground at the sound of her brother's voice. She looked back at Tanjiro.

"No, don't chase him! Come back here." Tanjiro looked worried. "Come to me."

Nezuko obeyed her brother's order and ran towards him. She faced forward, so it seemed to both Tanjiro and Miki that couldn't see the demon that popped back out from the ground below her.

"No, Nezuko!" Tanjiro warned, only to be relieved when the girl jumped over the demon and settled next to him. Miki watched as many emotions passed on Tanjiro's face; astonishment, worry, then acceptance. He must have realized that his sister could take care of herself, since she was no longer human. She was a demon and being a monster came with great strength and power.

Miki understood what Tanjiro was going through. The memory was unclear, but he recalls what it's like to watch someone young seem to grow up too fast.

A black round substance appeared under Tanjiro and Miki, prompting the two to jump back. Another black portal opened near Nezuko, who dodged the attack of one of the demons who came out.

"Nezuko, I'm going underground! Keep them safe for me." Tanjiro then smiled, "Can you do that?"

Miki quickly grabbed onto Tanjiro's haori, before the boy could depart, "I go with."

He didn't want to leave the boy down there alone. Just by watching Nezuko these past few seconds showed Miki that the girl was capable of protecting Kazumi and the unconscious girl from the demon. She didn't even look doubtful in her abilities when she nodded at Tanjiros announcement; he knew she wouldn't let them get hurt.

Tanjiro frowned, shaking his head.

"No, it's too dangerous. We don't know what's down there! And what if I accidentally hit you with my sword."

Miki's brows furrowed and eyes narrowed, "Tanjiro, you trust me...me to protect Kazumi and girl. N––Now, trust to protect you." Miki wasn't going to take no for an answer and it seemed that Tanjiro figured as much, going by how he sighed defeatedly before giving Miki a soft smile.

"Alright." He grabbed onto Miki's hand and the two jumped into the black substance.

A swamp, Miki thought as he looked around in the murky and dark water. He and Tanjiro were sinking deeper into the swamp, the pressure of the dark seeming to add more weight to Miki's body. The air felt restricting and thin, making him feel dizzy as his surroundings started to grow out of focus.

No I can't! Gotta stay awake!

He came down here to help Tanjiro, not be a burden. And that's when Miki saw the pieces of fabric in the water. These were the girls weren't they? The ones whose lives were taken away in an instant, with no one able to help them escape this nightmare. Tanjiro could have saved the last girls couldn't he? If only he hadn't stopped for him, then someone else could have been saved.

He felt...guilty––guilty to be alive when these girls weren't.

He reached out to touch a torn purple fabric, only to gasp as his vision turned white.

The white peeled away into vibrant colors; a dark blue sky, sand-patted ground, and a wooden fence. He seemed to be sitting on the outskirts of one of the houses in the neighborhood and beside him was an older woman. The woman had strands of grey in her short black hair, unblemished brown skin and warm orange eyes. 

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