Chapter 15

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"Ash." Dad stared at me, frowning, as I sat at the kitchen table, trying to do maths revision for the upcoming exams. I looked up at him but didn't move. "Glasses, maybe?"

"I forgot." I said sheepishly, before he started rambling on about the damage I was doing, straining my eyes, and that they were just going to keep getting worse. I kind of zoned out and kept doing my maths.

"Ashlyn." He got my attention again.

"Sorry." I put my glasses on and was pleasantly surprised, again, with the great difference they made. I always forgot they were actually useful since I'd become so accustomed to never having them.

"How is the maths going?"

"I'm getting most of it." I said, which was the honest truth. I'd been working hard with my teacher to try and keep up with the content.

"Don't ask Nick if you need help though, he's hopeless at maths."

"Really?" I giggled. He wasn't at home now, and I had a pretty good suspicion as to where he was, since he only ever has classes in the mornings.

"I'm being honest. If you need help get River, although, working with him isn't the most achievable." Dad laughed. "Maybe Ryan."

"I think I've got it for now, but I'll keep it in mind."

"When's the test?"

"Tuesday." I told him. Today was Saturday.

"Keep revising and then once it's done, I'll take you out somewhere."

"Take me out?"

"We can go anywhere you choose." Dad smiled. "And we won't take Nick."

I giggled, "Willow's muffins!"

"Sure," he laughed. "I have another place in mind I'd think you'd like too."

"Bye Dad. See ya Ash." Jonah waved, appearing out of nowhere, heading towards the front door.

"Where're you going?" Dad asked.

"Scarlett's house. To study for the maths test."

"Why aren't you studying here with Ash?"

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think of that."

"It's okay." I said. I didn't really want to study with Jonah anyway. Him and Scarlett tended to ask for my help more than I did to them, which was a bit strange considering they shouldn't be behind like I am. Jonah was already out the door.

I did maths revision for another hour or so and even got Ryan to explain to me how to use the answer sheet properly. This school, unlike my last one, had a question book and an answer sheet. You could write in the question book, which allowed for mistakes, but then you had to put you final working and answer on the answer sheet. Sometimes, the answer sheet specified you could just put the answer since there was a lot of working out, other times, it was both working, and the answer required. It took a while for me to get my head around it, since it was all just in one booklet at my old school, but Ryan was able to explain it to me in a way I understood. He also went through the questions I got wrong with me, so that I knew not to make the same mistake next time.

"Feeling prepared?" Ryan asked, once we were done.

"I think so." I nodded. I would do a little bit more over the next few days, but for now, that was plenty of revision. Just as I packed up, Nick and mum arrived home.

"What're you two up to?" Mum asked, carrying bags of groceries.

"I was helping Ash with maths." Ryan smiled. He always took an opportunity to show off doing something nice.

"I can help you if you need it too." Nick offered. I giggled quietly. "What?" He demanded.

"Nothing." I shook my head, trying not to laugh more. He glared at me. "Where've you been Nick?" I grinned.

"School." He answered bluntly.

"With Logan and Haven?"


"What about the other people?"

"No. No more questions." Nick huffed.

"He's definitely hiding something. He's being even more blunt than usual if that's even possible." Ryan whispered to me.

"Anyone up for a dinner picnic in the park?" Mum suggested. A series of cheers and yes's were heard, including from River who was on his game upstairs.

"What food are we getting?" I asked.

"Fish and chips?" asked mum. I smiled and nodded, then announced I was going to go change my clothes. The weather had become much warmer recently and I had a new dress I wanted to wear.
"Why're you changing? You look fine." Ryan asked, meanwhile I was wearing leggings and my favourite t-shirt, which I spent majority of my time in. "None of us are going to be dressed up."

"Neither am I." I got changed into my new dress, which actually had built in shorts with it, so I didn't have to worry about anything coming on display. I put on my white air forces too and felt pretty, and not dress up, like Ryan said.

We walked together down to the fish and chip shop and ordered a huge array of foods. I just wanted chips but apparently, I was going to be made to try some of the other foods too. We ordered fish, dim sims, corn jacks and Nick got a souvlaki, since this particular restaurant was owned by a Greek family who had them as a store addition. Then, we walked down to the park and sat at the picnic table with all our food. It was still light and there were lots of other families doing similar things.

We sat and ate, and I did try a few of the foods. I didn't like the fish, much to Nick's disapproval, but I didn't mind the corn jacks, which made sense to Nick, since he said they were "very unhealthy." After we finished eating and I was full to the brim, River begged me to go play on the Monkey bars with him, despite the fact I felt I was about to explode. Eventually, I agreed, and I showed him the tricks I'd learnt in primary school. He wasn't as good as me, since he wasn't as flexible, and I think I was making everyone else nervous each time I flipped down off the bars too. Dad eventually made us get off, worried that I was going to injure myself, and then everyone seemed to relax again.

After it started to get dark, then we headed home, with me wrapped up in Ryan's hoodie, since it started to get cold. 

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