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As she made her way down to the coffee shop with her headphones in and head in the clouds, daydreaming about what life's going to be like having her best friend with her. Fleetwood Mac - Gypsy was playing, the sun was low and hazy but still warm for autumn, she was so happy she had a smile plastered across her face. She opened the door of the cafe to be greeted by a shocked Wanda standing behind the counter.

Celeste pulled out her headphones "What? What's wrong?" She looked at Wanda feeling around her face thinking she still had eyeliner down her cheeks.

"Celeste it's 1:30pm I don't expect to see you until at least 3!" Wanda laughed as she came around the counter to give her a hug.

"I know right?! But I just got off the phone with Jasmine and she's moving out here! For good! And I just couldn't contain my excitement so came down to get a celebratory cinnamon swirl to enjoy with a coffee" she gushed to Wanda still with that smile on her face.

"Ah Ce this is amazing! I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to meet her. I hope she's armed with some good stories that I can tease you about. Let me get you a coffee and swirl and I'll shout Vis down and join you"

"Oh thank you! I was going to take it home but this sounds way better, I'll grab my usual spot"
The usual spot is by the window so she can people watch and do some more daydreaming. That's one of her downfalls, constantly daydreaming and living in her head. But sometimes it was a much better place to be.

Vis came over holding her coffee and swirl and popped them down on the coffee table in front of her.

"Wanda tells me we have another Brit joining us!? Soon we shall take over and run this town!" Vis projected whilst waving his arms in the air.

Celeste giggled whilst nodding "Yeah she's coming over in about a week's time, she quit her job and thought, in her words, 'fuck it' and moving in with me. I am so excited to show her around and introduce her to everyone"

"I am very happy for you, she sounds like a hoot! If she ever needs a job, we would be honoured to have her here a few days a week" he smiled as he spotted Wanda walking over with her coffee. "I'll leave you two to it".

Wanda plonked herself down next to Celeste and took a big sip from her coffee.
"How are things at Darcey's? How is Steve?"

"Yeah things are good! It's been strange getting used to the differences still but Steve helps me out. He's also good, working hard as always." Celeste took a sip of her coffee "He has an old friend coming back from a work trip next weekend so I'm going to be working a bit more. I'll be needing more coffee in my coffees." She took another sip closing her eyes as the caffeine entered her body.

"An old friend? I didn't know Steve had old friends I thought he had everyone…" Wanda trailed off. Celeste looked at her gesturing to carry on.

"Unless it's James? Oh boy, you're in for a treat meeting Mr Barnes if it is him." Wanda smiled as she patted Celeste on the knee.

"James? James Barnes? I have never heard Steve mention him? Or met him. Surely he would have came to the bar or Steve would have brought him to hang out?" She questioned Wanda looking confused.

"I think he's been away quite a while. He's a quiet man, he is lovely, a little intimidating but lovely."

Celeste went to ask more questions but was cut short by her phone vibrating.
"Ugh" she rolled her eyes seeing it was another message from Chad she completely forgot about.

"I downloaded a dating app and this guy has messaged me twice and I don't have the energy to reply. One was a 3am 'you up?' message."

Wanda laughed, "and how exactly are you going to meet someone if you won't even give them a chance?"

Celeste sighed, knowing she was right. She swiped open the message and showed Wanda a few photos. "He's cute! Go on, just reply, what's the worst that can happen?"

The message was apologising for the 3am text, he realised how it must look.
The end of the message read "Would love to take you for coffee sometime?"

She debated for a little while before shooting off a reply
"sure, I'm off work Monday"

Putting her phone away not giving it another thought.

Instead, she was thinking about who this James was and why Steve has never mentioned him.

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