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Note: hey babes! I hope you're all well. The chapters are about to get a little longer and fiesty. Please leave some comments and votes on what you like! Or if you don't. All feedback is appreciated. Much love, LSX


"Red, can you sort the glass shelves out whilst I head to the cellar to sort the wines out?"

Steve and Celeste had spent the days after Christmas sorting out Peggy's before the soft opening in the new year and working at Darcey's. They were long days but the excitement was building up to finally get the place open.

"Sure, give me a shout if you need a hand this shouldn't take too long"

"Well how about you do that and then go grab us some coffees from Vestas? I feel bad cheating on Wanda's but the snows pretty bad."

"I know! It has to be our secret, Wanda will kill us" Celeste giggled as she started to take the glasses out to clean before shelving them.

Once she was done she pulled on her coat and hat and yelled down to the cellar "Steve I'm going to get the coffees I'll be back soon!"

"Okay see you soon!" A faint voice yelled back over his Frank Sinatra playlist. He was such an old soul.

Celeste trudged down the street towards Vestas, the doorbell chimed as she moved into the warmth towards the counter "can I please have 1 large caramel latte and 1 large black coffee to go" she smiled at the guy behind the counter "oh and 2 of those cinnamon swirls" her eyes nearly bugging out her head when she saw the size of them.

"Excuse me Miss" a gentleman's voice spoke from behind her.

"Hi?" She didn't recognise him, but being new to this side of town and still new in the city how would she.

"I've seen you going towards the bar a few times, is it under new management?" He questioned her.

"Oh yes it is, we have Darcey's too. We're looking to open in the New year" the sever passed her drinks over "hope you can call by when we're open!" She grabbed the coffees and brown bag and left. The gentleman smiled at her and nodded.

She kicked the door closed behind her and made her way to Steve who'd slumped himself in one of the big red velvet new booths.

"Here you go, did you get the wines sorted?"

"Yeah with no breakages this time!" He cheered to himself.

They heard the door swing close and looked at each other with confused faces.
"Do we have workman in today?" Celeste asked Steve.

"No we don't" he got up and walked towards the door as the guy from the coffee shop came around the corner. Celeste recognised him "Oh hey, I just met you in Vestas right?" She stood up to walk to Steve "we're not open yet" she smiled at him.

"I know, I just wanted to check the place out, see what you had done." His eyes scanning the room before fixing on Celeste. He walked towards Steve, stood at the same height, with dark hair and a rough beard.

Steve stood his ground "yeah dude we're not quite open yet so if you wanna come back in the New year you can see everything then" his eyes were fixed on this guy.

"Just you two here? Or is your friend here too?" He looked at Celeste and then back to Steve.

A wave of realisation hit Steve, it was the guy Bucky was talking about. Steve moved in front of Celeste "I think you need to leave" he spat at him. Celestes heart started to thud, she knew he was talking about James. The tension was thick and she had an awful feeling in her stomach. He leaned to the side of Steve to see Celeste, he looked her up and down and smirked.

Red - Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now