Epilogue - Our final phase

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I never realized how little it would actually take for me to leave Lightspeed. I used to think that I would retire from Lightspeed when I finally became "too old" to be working in the lab. Spending the rest of my days organizing the new recruits or even becoming a Captain like Captain Mitchell had. It wasn't until Ryan suggested an idea for our guest house to become a small bed and breakfast up in the mountains that I realized how badly I was ready to leave.

"Nova," Captain Mitchell stood from his desk as I entered, "I wasn't expecting to see you back yet. You still have a few days of personal time off-"

He cut himself short when I handed him the paper. My official resignation.

"Unfortunately, I did see this coming."

I was worried he would be hostile, but the smile on his face made me relax as I sat back down.

"So, you've decided to leave Lightspeed. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't disappointed, but considering the circumstances I'm sure you want to focus on your family."

I smiled, placing my hands gently over my stomach, "You still haven't told anyone right?"

"Of course not," Captain Mitchell said, "But, if you decide you ever want to come back your position under Miss Fairweather will always be open."

"Thank you Captain," I said.

Captain Mitchell stood up with an extended hand for me to shake.

"What did you guys decide to do with the guest house?"

I smiled, "Mitchells family bed and breakfast."

He smiled, "What an excellent choice."

"Now," I said, carefully standing back up, "I have a wedding to get ready for."

I definitely wasn't the wedding planner, that was mostly Dana. But, I was there to keep Skye from freaking out as her big day finally came. Captain Mitchells smile was infectious as he walked his daughter down the aisle. Who knew there'd be so many weddings at Lightspeed this year?

Skye asked Ryan to sing a song for their first dance. I'm pretty sure that's the best version of Turning Page by Sleeping At Last that I've ever heard, but maybe I'm a little biased towards my husband.

I definitely cried like a baby when Good Friend and A Glass of Wine by LeAnn Rimes came on during Skye's dance she dedicated to me. Maybe it was just hormones though.

"I always tell Ryan that the stars shine bright for you and only you. I can see them in your eyes and feel the moon in your heart." I pulled her into a tight hug.

"Tonight," Skye said breathlessly, "has been so incredibly magical that I'm at a loss of words."

"You think you're speechless now, Just wait until the speeches."

"You have a glow to you that I'd recognize anywhere." she said.

"Makeup does that." I laughed.

She looked at me questioningly, "You're pregnant, aren't you?"

"Four months," I answered, "But we haven't officially made the announcement yet."

"Your secret is safe with me. Auntie Skye is going to spoil them like no tomorrow!" I laughed and pulled her back over to the table.

"Speech time!"

I waited for the happy couple to sit down before starting, using my paper to help hide the tiny bump that had started to form on my belly.

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