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That night, Keefe couldn't sleep again. Though this time, it was because memories of her were swirling through his head.

Everything seemed to remind him of her, or a memory of her. There was no way that he couldn't picture her next to him, holding her hand, see her eyes.

Even the darkness reminded him of that cave.

Keefe got up, wandering the halls, until he saw a flash of a platinum color going around the corner, and he ran after it.

When he got around the corner, there stood Sophie, her golden hair pale in the moonlight.

Keefe stepped forward in shock, reaching out to grab her hand, but it disappeared. He was hallucinating. He was going crazy.

"Keefe? Are you okay?"

Keefe turned and saw Biana standing there.

"No. She's gone," Keefe said, looking at the full moon reflecting off of the sea, the dark waters turning silver everywhere the light touched.

"I miss her too, but you've hardly said anything since Everglen. I know she helped you through hard times. Maybe talk to me, so then you don't go crazy. Sophie wouldn't want that."
Keefe laughed darkly. "I'm not crazy. Half my mind wandered off thinking about her, and the other half went to find it so then I don't go crazy."

He couldn't even think about her name without crying, so Keefe just talked and thought about her as her.

"That's the definition of losing your mind, Keefe. I know it's hard, but we have to move on."

Keefe looked at Biana, the dark circles beneath his eyes shadowing. "You have to move on, Biana. So do the others. But if I forget about her, then it's like forgetting my own name. If I don't play out the what-ifs in my head, it just makes the present hurt even more. I can't move on."

"You know, I do think of all the what-ifs, too," Biana whispered, turning away. "At least try. For her."
Biana left Keefe with his thoughts, and he started wandering more. In someone's office, he found a pencil and paper, so he went back to the window, absent-mindedly sketching out something.

An hour later, he blinked, finally realizing what he'd drawn. It was her, leaning against the door, the determination and begging in her eyes captured with every tiny detail.

Seeing her outside of Keefe's mind destroyed him. Why had his subconscious chosen this moment?

This was the moment things really went down hill.

This was the moment that had been engraved in the back of his eyelids since it happened; on his thoughts every second, every breath.

This was the moment that Keefe wished so desperately he could go back to change what happened.

Tears welled up in Keefe's eyes, and he swiped them away with the back of his hand, standing up.

A thought slipped into Keefe's mind, cold and foreign. He stood there, breathing hard. Was this fate telling him what he needed to do?

No, it couldn't be. He'd been warned in that dream to stay away, but that was a dream. Keefe couldn't just let Sophie go. She was the one thing holding him together.

No, she had told him to stay away. Forget her and save himself, but he couldn't do that, knowing that she was at his mother's mercy.

Yes, this is what he needed to do.

Hi. Ha, that one word sounds so stupid. 'Hi'. ANYWAYS, before that turns into an insane rant, just a reminder, I'm 100% open to feedback on my story. Grammar errors, facts that I missed, ways to improve my writing, etc.

If you have any, comment HERE.

Thank you for reading! It means so much to me! I'd also appreciate it if you also follow me too... ;P


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