Boa Hancock

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A single eye blinked open slowly, emerging from sleep with ears ringing from the force of his captain’s excited yell.


Sitting up slowly, Zoro blinked the blurriness out of his eyes before yawning, turning in the direction of Luffy’s voice and raising a single eyebrow. Hancock? Wasn’t that the pirate that had helped out Luffy?

…...Wasn’t that the pirate Luffy had said wanted to marry him?

Before even he knew it, he was already a single step behind Luffy, looking over his captains smaller form towards the large ship heading in their direction. He could tell that there was a rather large gathering of...women, on the ships deck. They were all waving and almost all of them were shrieking out their delight at seeing his captain.


Shrieking women.

He really didn’t need another Nami anywhere close to his vicinity.

But, they did help his captain when he couldn’t so...he’d tolerate them as long as required.

This was for Luffy after all.

Sighing softly, he straightened up and moved beside his captain, respectfully staying an inch or two behind him as the ship full of shrieking women finally settled beside their own, much smaller ship. Everything would be okay as long as Luffy was in his line of vision.


He couldn’t find his captain anywhere.

Luffy just disappeared into thin air as soon as the kuja pirates (some of them anyways, they didn’t all fit on their small ship) boarded. Zoro tried not to let his protective Luffy-Luffy-gotta-find-my-captain-Luffy instincts kick in. He usually just ended up cutting anything that got in his way and...well, he couldn’t do that here.

Growling under his breath, he glared at any Kuja pirate that tried to get near him or touch him. He’d let a few of them try in the beginning, but after the first three pulled on his skin until it was red and stinging, he’d refused any further advancement from any of the others.

A familiar sounding “uwooOOOOOOO!” reached his ears, and Zoro couldn’t help but roll his eyes and grimace. Of course the perv cook was enjoying this. Swirly brow was living his dream right now no doubt.

Glancing at the area he heard the cooks voice coming from, he saw the man dancing from woman to woman, handing out drinks and pastries with a gross, pervy smile on his face and hearts in his eyes.

Ugh, stupid shit cook.

Zoro continued on his way after confirming that Luffy wasn’t with them, his frown deepening at that fact. Oh well, he’d look on some other part of the ship.

After swerving and dodging a good amount of grabby hands, he made it to the quarterdeck and glanced around, his one eye locking on to Robin and Nami chatting with a concernedly large portion of the Kuja pirate woman. He wasn’t sure the Sunny could take carrying so many people for too long. But, well, he has yet to hear Franky complain, and if he isn’t saying anything then he must have faith that Sunny would be alright.

He’d trust his nakama at the moment, but if he so much as heard a creak coming from Sunny, he was going to start kicking some people overboard. And it’s not going to be his crew-mates.

…Well, maybe Sanji.

Huffing, he strolled past the chattering girls, ignoring Robin’s eyes following his movements. That woman is even more trouble than Nami. He’s seen those eyes on walls when he and Luffy are...ahem, spending time with each other. It creeps him out to no end and he knows that she knows that.

The Mosshead of a First Mate and The Idiotic, Strawhat wearing CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now