Sabo :D

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None of them were expecting it. Least of all Luffy.

It was a pretty normal day. The sun was shining, a nice wind was blowing, a sea monster showed up (which they ate not much later), Luffy was asking for meat (and being denied said meat), Zoro was lifting his weights, Usopp blew a few things up, Nami yelled at everyone, Sanji kicked Luffy out of the kitchen, Chopper was making some of his rumble balls, Robin was reading, Franky was working on another project and Brook was cracking jokes.

A normal day.

What wasn’t normal was seeing a small ship, a dinghy like Zoro and Luffy first rode in, heading towards their ship.

A dinghy that had fire spouting out of the back of it.

That...was odd.

Alarming really, especially since it was familiar to most of them.

The entire crew gathered together, looking out over the sea towards the fastly approaching figure.

Zoro looked over at Luffy, taking in his posture and expression. Luffy looked tense, expectant, worried, excited...there were a lot of emotions in his captain’s eyes.

As the ship got closer to them and they were finally able to see the figure, all the negative emotions in Luffy drained out of him and all that remained was an intense joy at seeing the man waving at them.

Before any of them could stop Luffy, said captain had launched himself towards a startled Sabo, an overjoyed yell coming from the both of them as they collided.

Unfortunately, Sabo didn’t have as much balance in the dinghy as he would have liked, so he couldn’t do much as the both of them slipped over the side of the boat and fell into the water.

The entire crew groaned, Nami holding her arms out expectantly and not even batting an eye as Zoro’s swords landed there in a heap before she heard a loud splash not even a second later.

Zoro pushed the panic he felt in his chest to the back of his mind, focusing on swimming towards the still figures of Sabo and Luffy. There was a twinge of anger in him that Luffy had acted so recklessly, but he couldn’t really do anything about it. Besides, he would never let Luffy drown in the ocean, and he knew that the rubber man knew that as well. That’s probably why he was so careless in the first place actually.
Finally reaching them, Zoro wrapped an arm around both figures, tightening his hold more than he usually would since he was carrying two weighed down devil fruit users this time. Gritting his teeth, he kicked his legs hard, swimming up to the surface within a few seconds and taking a deep breath as he breached the surface.

The two figures in his arms started coughing up water, making him sigh in relief. Luffy was always fine, but the tightness in his chest never faded until he heard him breathing again. Shifting a bit, he switched Sabo over to his other arm, huffing as he waited for Sunny to maneuver closer to him and a rope ladder to be thrown down.

Sanji came down the ladder, frowning himself as he took Sabo from Zoro’s arm and carried him to the safety of the ship.

Zoro followed after the cook, feeling himself calm down as Luffy started to regain his senses as they exited out of the water.

Once he was finally back on the ship, his eyes flickered over to Sabo, taking in the man’s embarrassed smile and panting breaths. He wasn’t completely steady on his feet yet, but he would be within a few minutes.

Huffing, he walked over to the man, tossing a grinning Luffy at him and making the both of them collapse to the floor in a laughing, hugging mess.

“Idiots! Why do devil fruit eaters have to be so reckless when it comes to the sea?!” Nami shrieked, glaring down at the pair, though her eyes stayed on Luffy since it WAS mainly his fault.

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