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Luffy had a number of places on Sunny that he’d like to sit and relax at.

Sure, he never sat still very often, or for very long, but he did have a number of preferred places to rest when he felt a bit tired from the days activities.

There was the cool, earthy smelling spaces between Nami’s mikan trees, there was the top of the crows nest (not inside, literally the top), there was the grassy lawn at the deck of the ship, there was the kitchen (he loved being able to smell all the tasty food while he was having a nap) and there was, obviously, Sunny’s head as well. He loved it there because he was comfortably able to look across the vast ocean and watch for any sign of adventure coming their way.

Sunny’s head was one of his favorite spots on the ship.

But, he still had a favorite place that even beat Sunny.

And he was heading there now.

Humming not so quietly as he searched for his designated napping spot, he rubbed at one of his eyes and yawned.

Honestly, Luffy hadn’t been sleeping very well for the past few weeks. He hadn’t been letting it get in the way of his usual activities, but the constant tiredness at the back of his mind as starting to get pretty annoying. He didn’t want to bother the crew with it, but he knew that most, if not all of them, were suspecting already.

Zoro had actually talked to him about it already.

Well, not so much talked. It was more like he dragged Luffy off to a few of his naps and he also took a few of Luffy’s night watches without a single word to him.

Luffy found that he slept better whenever these sort of things happened, so he never complained.

Luffy was in a sleepy daze as he walked around the Sunny, searching for his swordsman. It wasn’t long before a familiar snore reached his ears and made him perk up a bit, his legs moving faster to get him to Zoro more quickly.

His swordsman's name was on the tip of his tongue, and he already had his mouth open to call out to Zoro, but as he turned the corner to reach the back of the deck, he froze completely in shock when he saw that his favorite napping spot was already occupied.

A...slightly familiar pink haired girl was sitting there.

Where was there you ask?

Zoro’s lap, that’s where.

Luffy’s mouth snapped shut, his normally cheerful face closing off and leaving him blank.

He’s...never come across this situation before.

Well, Chopper sometimes napped on Zoro’s lap, but it was Chopper! If Luffy wanted to nap too then he would just pick Chopper up and hug him before plopping down on Zoro’s lap himself.

He didn’t really want to pick up and hug this girl though.

Luffy frowned, tilting his head and closing his eyes as he thought over his options.

He could...go nap somewhere else?

Nonono, he really wanted to nap on Zoro’s lap today.

He could just not nap?

No, he was really sleepy!

Luffy’s face was already a bright red from thinking too much. His brain was frying! He wasn’t used to thinking like this, especially not when he was sleepy and just wanted to nap!

He should just throw the girl off!


Oh! He could just throw the girl off!

The Mosshead of a First Mate and The Idiotic, Strawhat wearing CaptainWhere stories live. Discover now