Chapter 20: Finale

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~Chapter Finale!

 Queen Shirley's POV

This is so stressful!! I pace back and forward outside my room. The medics were handling my mother, Selena. They said they would do some test and research on her wound. To make sure its not getting worse, or the poison effect would start to kick in. My heels rapidly clicking the floors, my stress higher then the clouds, and my fear, worse then my fear of Bella. I was all over the place, i just couldn't lose another parent figure in my life. My dad dying was bad enough, just imagine having no mother and father figure?

I start to bite my nails, breathing heavier then usual. 

''Shirley.'', Someone then said behind my back

I turn around, slowly

''Why you stressin?'', Laurent asked

My eyes start to water, and i felt depression playing with my heart. 

''Lau.'', I cried running into his arms

He  embraces me as I break down into his arms. Hugging me tightly, he rest his chin on my head and starts to tighten his grip.

''Laurent'', I said in tears

''Oui?'', Laurent asked

''Promise me one thing.'', I said looking up at him

''What that?'', He asked looking down at my leaky eyes

''We will always be together, and never be apart!'', I said before bursting out into tears

''I promise'', Laurent said kissing my lips. He starts to comfort me, snuggling me into his arms

The doors then open, and a guy steps out, shutting the door behind him. 

''Queen Shirley, your mother is fine. She is indeed safe and not at all injured permanently. She shall be recovering overtime. She may have visitors, but only from you and the Captain. All butlers and guards shall be kept out, for the safe of your mother.'', the medic said

I curtsy as Laurent bows

''Merci'', Laurent said to the medic

The guy walks off, with his nurse and others behind him

I look up at Laurent, nervously. Taking in a deep breathe, i reach out to open the door. Twisting the knob, me and Laurent enter. I peek around the door, seeing my mother laying in the bed. She looked nice, she was smiling and glistening. She looked like herself again, she looked like nothing ever even happened to her. 

''Mom.'', I said in a calm tone

She turns and looks at me, waving her hand at me and Laurent

''Please, Laurent, Shirley, come in.'', Mother said smiling

We entered,and closed the doors behind us...

Nobody's POV

~Later that night

Queen Shirley needed to pray for her mothers recovery, so she chose to go to Moonlight Peeks and pray for her mother.  Ever since Laurent and her met there, it's been a place she wanted to forever remember. Plus, if she prayed, she thought those positive vibes would help her prayer.

The hose gallops and races, making its destination straight for Moonlight Peeks.

Once the Queen reached there, she hops off the horse.... walking towards the lake. The bright moonlight then starts to shine upon her. Her eyes sparkled like jewels. Standing infront of the flower bed, she looks up at the moon, and bows her head down, putting her hands together in prayer....

???'s POV

I aim my crossbow straight for a headshot of the Queen. This shot is the easiest i will have to make. It seems like she is praying, which gives her a distraction. This is the perfect opportunity to make a single shot to her head. 

My finger tightens on the trigger, making a clean pull. The arrow fires, breaking through the barriers of its speed. It's clean whistle, heading dead straight for the Queen's head. This shall be interesting....

WOAH! Queen Shirley is literally about to die!! Is someone gonna save her? Is this the end for her?! Will she be another death story?! 

Find out, on Episode 2!

Thank you for reading 'His Queen's Fate'

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