Chapter 10

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Princess Shirley POV

Sleeping in the forest was a first for me, i'm used to queen sized beds, or walls to surround me, or a bathroom! But sleeping here, was quiet nice, especially with my knight in shining armor. As i awakened, the birds were chirping, and the smell of fresh water also soothe me. I felt good, like some good energy has gotten into me. I guess those good vibes kicked in by now, leaving by his side, i get up slowly, trying not to interrupt him. ''I gotta get a shower or something.'', i said to myself. Looking around, i saw nothing, but the lake. 'Now, i know taking a bath in the lake is nasty', but i rather do that then be in the same outfit in one day, without a bath. Yuck!

So before he even woke, i stripped out of my dress, quickly getting in the water before he noticed. Washing my body with the water, feeling the sun tone my skin. Lathering the water through my hair, i smile to the sun. Ahhh, that feels better. But before i could think, someone's hands stroke my breast.

Before i could even react, i moaned, the figure also starts to grind. I felt something long and hard rub against my butt. To get a good look of the person, i tilt my head back on those brawn shoulders. ''Good mor-'', i stopped and froze. My heart literally dropped,and so did my mouth. ''Am i being rude to you ma'am?'', a familiar husky voiced claimed

''Laurent Bourgeois! Shall that be you?'', I asked

He turns me facing his directions, planting kisses on my lips, like the ones from the ball. ''It shall, Princess.'', Laurent said on her lips.

''Butler, I-I mean L-Laurent! I don't know what to call you?!'', i said confused

He kisses my lips again, a sign telling me to 'shut up'

''Just call me, Laurent.'', Laurent said kissing on my neck

''O-Okay'', i said trying to keep every sound in my mouth

His hands move down to my lower back, where he grasp my body firward, towards his. My naked body, against his body. Rubbing his chest, my hands move around his neck. 

His kisses then started to lower down to my breast, he suck and licks my nipples, making me feel funny. I never have done this before, so this feels weird

''Laurent, ugh what is happeing?'', I moaned

He ignores my question. moving his kisses down my body. 

''L-Laurent! What are you doing?'', i asked again

He ignores my question, goinng underwater. I look around for him, he was no where in sight. 

I gasp in loud shock, the feeling of someone touching my lower area. I look down, trying to see through the water. Lauren opens my legs, rubbing down my inner thigh. I bite my lip, covering my mouth in moans. Kissing down my inner thigh until he gets closer, and closer, and- ''Laurent!'', i moaned loud.

He comes back up for air, kissing my lips. But before i could say anything to him, he dives back under the water. This time, he grabs my thighs, sitting them on his shoulders. I gasp, holding onto his hair for support. He starts to do something that made me tingle all over, he licks my lower area. I moan, as my head throws back in ectasy. His tongue teasing me deeply, ''La-ugh! Ahh!'', i lost control, through moans.

He claws his nails deep into my thighs, clamped his face. My body starts to grind, not knowing how to do this, i thought doing that was the right thing.

His tongue speeds up faster, driving me insane. {A/N: 'Do you like the way he flicks his tongue or nah?} '' Yes!!'', i moaned, almost screaming. {A/N: She like it xD lol}

A tingly sensation starts to urger down my back, creeping low down my spine. '''Laurent, something is- Ahhh!!!'', i yelled, as pain show up my back. My body lets out all its fluids, or so it felt like.

Laurent comes back up to my lips, kissing me passionately, leading down to my neck. ''We wash up, non?'' , he asked. I was so out of breathe, i couldnt' even think of words. Laurent chuckles rubbing down the rest of my body, with the clean water.

After our time, Laurent carries me out of the little lake. Walking upon the grass, with my body hanging, i could only look around. I look to the ground, and saw the mask my mystery man wore last night. ''You are my knight in shining armor. '', i said smiling. ''Yes ma'am, and you may be my Princess, Princess Shirley.'' he said kissing my stomach.

I had nothing to really wear, so i just wore the little gown that was hidden under my dress. It was a white little gown, similair to the one i wore for my slumber. I look to Laurent, he was wearing nothing but his suit pants, with a bare chest. His abs were beautiful, the cute little line on his waist, it looked like a V. His hair was still twisty and long, just the way i liked it. 

''Princess Shirley,'', Laurent said looking at me

''Yes?'', i said glancing at him

''Are you okay?'', he asked

It was adorable to how protective he was over me.

''Yes, i am fine.'', i said smiling

He smiles back, what adorable smile he had.

''Good, Selena and the rest in the castle should be here soon. They'll bring us some clothes, food, water, and whatever else we need for survival.'', Laurent said tightening his belt

''Good, what about Selena? Is she coming too?'', I asked

''For sure, she should be coming right now. She is your royal guardkeeper.'', Laurent said walking over to me

He kisses my nose, stroking the cheek of my face

''Good, cause i miss her so much.'', I said sticking out my lip

''She coming bebe, non worry. She coming, but that's good she coming, cause the Queen is coming aswell.'', Laurent said kissing my head

''The Queen...i'm going to have a talk with that bitch once i see her.'', I said grinding my teeth

''Shirley, she your mother. Why such rude thougts?'', Laurent said, looking at me

''She never showed e respect, so i won't show her any.'', i said shedding a single tear ''The daughter of a Queen was suppose to be fun, tea parties and fun time. But it was nothing near that, it was denial and tragedy.''

Laurent wipes away my tears, kissing my lips, making all the pain go away

''Listen Shirley, we get through this together. And i make sure nothing happen to you, i promise you i non let anything happen to you, I promise.'', Laurent said smiling

I smile back at him, jumping up to his lips for a kiss

''Promise,'' i said with a smile...

Ep.1:His Queen's Fate ©Where stories live. Discover now