Seven- In Drunkenness Comes Sobriety

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In Drunkenness Comes Sobriety

In which laughs become silenced by truth


Matt tied up the hospital gown as Ryan stepped out. The thin boy was on some major painkillers and sedatives, he didn't really have control of his body or mind. All of his thoughts were mainly just jumbled impulses. His brain felt foggy and tired and confused.

Where did Ryan go?

He rubbed his eyes, already forgetting that Ryan had just left not moments before. He groaned as the painkillers continued to wear off. He laid his head back on the uncomfortable pillow, closing his eyes in the hope that consciousness would soon evade him.

Matt tossed and turned in the small bed, finding it impossible to maintain comfort. He groaned to himself in frustration. His hair was a mess, tufts of soft brown and blonde hair sprang every which way. His face was pale, more pale than usual, and dark circles underlined his tired blue eyes. All in all, he was a wreck. All of the medication he was on, mixed with all of the other things in his system, made him feel faint.

He buried his head under his pillow, trying to turn off the throbbing pain in his aching head. He soon heard footsteps grow nearer and nearer to him. He sat up, hoping that Ryan had finally returned...

perhaps with food...

He removed the pillow and sat up; a little too quickly. His head spun as he could make out a figure next to the bed. He squinted, having left his glasses at home. It was a young nurse, offering some more painkillers and a plastic cup filled with water. He gladly obliged, picking up both and downing them in an instant.

"How are you feeling today Mr. Watson?" she spoke in a shrill but calm voice. Matt shrugged, answering as politely as he could at the time.

"Fine I guess?" he answered truthfully, his voice horse from not talking in a while.

"H-how long have I been here?" he asked, rubbing his temples in an attempt to sooth the pounding that resided in his brain.

"About three and a half days." she answered, after checking a small clipboard in her hands. "But you'll be able to go home in a few hours" she nodded in thought, calculating when the procedure had taken place.

"Your boyfriend stayed by your side the whole time." she smiled, but there was a hint of sadness in her voice. "I wish I had someone like that..." she murmured introspectively. Matt's eyes grew wide as he waved his hands defensively. "H-he's not my-- w-were not-- I'm not-- uh..." he blurted, stumbling over his words.

"We're not together..."

Matt said softly, looking away from the kind nurse. "I'm S-sorry. I just thought..." she trailed off. "M-my mistake." she bowed her head in apologies as she left the room hurriedly. Matt put his hands on his face, realizing his cheeks were hot. "Wait!" He called after her, but this time, another figure entered the room.

"What's wrong Matt?" Asked a familiar, husky voice.

"O-oh, I'm fine!" Matt spoke quickly, still being a bit flustered.

"It's just..." Ryan trailed off, like he was debating whether to say the next part of the sentence. "I bumped into her in the hall. She called me your boyfriend, then got bright red and apologized like eight times." He chuckled, his deep silky laugh made Matt smile.

Maft felt his cheeks heat up more."I'm sure it was nothing" Matt laughed sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. "But um... she did say that I could go home today!" He said in fake excitement, changing the subject, in hopes to avoid the whole 'boyfriend' thing entirely.

"That's great!" Ryan smiled his perfect, rare, almost mischievous smile that made Matt's heart speed up ever so slightly. But at the same time, he felt as though Ryan had some hidden motivation that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

Ryan sat back down in the disagreeable guest chair, making an expression that read of sheer discomfort. Matt giggled at the cringe that seemed to stay put on Ryan's face. Ryan looked up to see what had struck the tall boy's fancy, only to find that it was him. Matt smiled, patting the bed lightly next to him as an invitation of sorts. Ryan obliged, plopping down next to the slender boy.

"The bed's not so comfortable either... but it's gotta be better than those fucking awful hospital chairs." Matt remarked. "I'm surprised your spine isn't inside-out by now." Both boys burst into laughter. "It fucking feels like it!" Matt and Ryan continued to roar with laughter.

They soon caught their breaths, and the mood seemed to shift as Matt spoke quietly. "But seriously, you didn't need to stay in this place for three whole days." Matt glanced over at Ryan.

"I-- I was worried about you Matt."

Ryan scratched the back of his neck, avoiding the blue-eyed boy's intrepid gaze. He continued, speaking in a whisper almost to himself,

"I can't lose you."

he breathed softly, his face still turned away. Blush crept into each of their cheeks in unison.

Matt cleared his throat awkwardly "So, uh, wanna get some food? I'm fucking starving." Ryan smiled, looking over his shoulder, "if you lost any more weight, people would think you were a God damn street lamp." Ryan chuckled, while Matt rolled his eyes. "Common man, that shit was fuckin' funny" he and Matt began to chuckle once more.

"Whatever, just help me up already." Matt retorted, flashing Ryan a cute smile. Ryan obliged, wrapping his arm under Matt's small shoulders, propping him upright. Matt's bare feet hit the floor with a smack, he winced, standing on wobbly legs. He took a small, careful step.

"Fucking hell!"

Matt cursed as his unsteady legs collapsed beneath him. Luckily, Ryan still held the thin boy's back as he fell, lowering him into a clumsy dip. Matt blushed,

"Trying to make a move are we?"

He teased, "If it were you here instead of me, I'd leave your sorry ass on the fuckin floor." They both Laughed again, knowing full well that would not have been the case. "Besides, picking you up... with my twiggy-ass...? I don't fuckin think so." They both collapsed back on the bed rolling in their guffaws of amusement.

As they settled down, Ryan caught Matt's eye "Do you want me to stop at seven-eleven on the way home then?" Ryan chuckled, looking at Matt who still lay next to him. "Yeah." Matt shrugged, as if he knew this was the only real solution. "Fuck hospital food man." Matt snorted, thrusting his chin out in defiance. "Seven-eleven got that good shit." He narrowed his eyes af if he told some big secret. Ryan laughed, nodding his head in agreement.

Soon after, Ryan let the nurse know that Matt was ready to check out. Matt filled out the proper paperwork for his stay, scanning over the report...

Blah blah blah- anesthesia- - - Blah blah- surgical procedure- Blah blah blah- what? - - - Draining blood from lungs??? - - - Major stress ulcer??? - - - BAC, Alcohol level deadly (0.54) - - - Fatal mix of multiple substances including: Antidepressants, ADHD medication, Anxiety medication, THC (Marijuana) and ETOH (Ethanol alcohol) - - - Heart rate abnormal - - - Stable within 48 hours ICU (Intensive care unit) - - -

The color drained from Matt's face,

Holy shit...

I almost died...



PLEASE vote if you like my work. I kind of have no self confidence, and don't know if you even like my writing. Like no clue.

But uh... Thanks for reading this far and not giving up on me.

I really appreciate it.

~ Rainy


Thank you Delete_your_life for being so supportive and kind to me. I can't thank you enough! It means the world to me. I'm sorry I didn't work up the corrage to thank you sooner.

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