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Suna's POV

"Y/n!" Hinata exclaimed, running over to us once we got off the train.

He quickly hugged her but she didn't hug back.

"Uh- hey!"

"Welcome back!" Bokuto cheered, going to hug.

Once Hinata leg go of Y/n, she leaned into my ear and whispered "that's Hinata?"

I nodded. "Yup. We should-"

"No, don't tell him. I don't want him to know she's different."

I looked at her and nodded slightly.

"Come on, let's hang out at Y/n's moms house" Hinata smiled, taking Y/n's hand.

I grabbed her arm though and pulled her away gently. "She's coming to my house for a little, sorry."

"What about Mio?"

I raised an eyebrow and looked off to the side. "Mio's kinda not living there anymore."

Hinata's mouth dropped a little but before he could say anything, Sakusa stepped forward.

"Let's get dinner?" He suggested.

"Wow, Omi suggesting DINNER? Why, I could never accept this offer" Atsumu smirked. "If you suppose-"

"Be quiet before I un-invite you" he warned.

"I can't, I've got to head back to my store" Osamu sighed.

"Really?" I asked. "I'll go with you. Y/n too."

Hinata smiled. "I'll go to the store too-"

"Actually, I think all three of us should go with Atsumu and Sakusa. Yeah?" Yuki said, implying her, Bokuto, and Hinata should split off with them.

She gave me a look and I smiled a bit. She had caught on.

Hinata gave a confused look at Yuki, then to Y/n, then at me.

"Yeah, let's go Hinata!" Bokuto smiled, taking Hinata arm. "Maybe we could see if Akaashi could come too!"

Yuki turned as they were leaving and flashed a smile before continuing on.

Osamu turned to us and gave Y/n a look. "You want to talk about what's going to happen now?"

We both nodded.

"Alright, I'll keep the shop closed one more day then."


"So, she's staying at your place, right?" Osamu asked.

I nodded. "Yeah. She can't go back to her blood mom's house because she thinks she's.. yeah. Then she can't go to the other Y/n's moms house because she doesn't know. So, if it's questioned we'll say she found someone and moved in."

Osamu looked at the both of us and sighed. "If you think it'll work, then okay. How would we tell Hinata and them?"

"We won't" Y/n said.

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