Chapter One

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Louis' P.O.V
The dancer was absolutely stunning. He moved around the stage expertly, and he was gorgeous. The moves were fluent, and he sure knew his way around as he strut around the pole making old sweaty men throw their money on stage or tuck it in the dancers thong.
Every beat was hit on time adequately, and all in all I enjoyed myself rather a little too much. Soon later the curtains closed and I feel a nudge on my side.
"The next dancer is supposed to be the best stripper here." Niall smirks at me, "let's see if we can get closer to the front." I tell him when people start to leave as the next show doesn't start for a good 20 minutes.
Niall and I finally made our way to the front so we were pressed up against the stage. On my right, I could see the rugged dancer from earlier make his way down some stairs and start to give a lap dance to someone with money in their hand. Looking a bit closely I notice a name tag hanging from his thong, and in nice bright red cursive it writes 'zayn' right on it.
My mind can only imagine what the other dancers will look like.
After bickering with Niall while the time passed, once again the lights were dimmed and a song I hadn't recognize started playing in the background.
There was a silhouette on the stage, however this time the dancer appeared a lot taller.
As he turned around, his features started to become a lot more prominent and hell, he was beautiful.
He had his one hand tucked into his pocket as he walked closer and closer to the edge of the stage where a pole was placed.
Fluently moving his body up and down the pole, he had started to hang off of it doing some expert moves it seems he had rehearsed multiple times before. I'm pretty sure the environment and the drinking had some influence as I tossed a five dollar pound onto the stage.
As this so-called stripper made his way to the front I observe as he looks around the room, his eyes roaming the club.
Once he reaches the edge of the stage, it was as if a moment of impact, he caught my eyes. Looking at him was one thing, but having him look back at me was another.
After a sly smirk he turned around bending right over to expose his bum, earning him some more money thrown on stage.
As his routine carries on, he continues to look at me causing me some great distress.
Like the other dancer he returned to the the back of the stage as the lights were turned completely off.
"Woah." Is all that seems to leave my mouth, and Niall nods in agreement.
Tonight didn't turn out that bad...
As if reading my mind Niall says,"the nights not over yet, let's go have some real fun."
I follow him to the bar to drink yet again, a couple more rounds.
Stumbling onto the dance floor, I notice Niall whisper something to the DJ as he briefly nods and quiets the music.
"Ladies and gentlemen, let's spice up tonight by naming the birthdays, starting off with Lucy Walkerville who's turning 21 today." Applause erupted throughout the club as the DJ begins again, "Now happy birthday to Cole Shan who's turning 36!" Once again applause is heard. "Now for the last birthday of tonight, let's wish a big happy birthday to Louis Tomlinson who's turning 22 today!" A smile faintly made its way onto my face as Niall smacks my back. Once the applause has calmed down, everyone had returned to what they were doing. There was a group of strippers on stage, however none of them seem to capture my interest like the first two.
"Okay Niall I think I'm ready to head home." I tell him while yawning.
"No I don't think you're ready quite yet." He tells me with a smirk looking forward.
Wait what?
The two dancers from before approach us, and suddenly the air seemed to become quite warm.
After 'Zayn' grabs Niall's hand and leads him to a chair, I focus my attention back to the taller lad not daring to speak up.
"Your friend told me its your birthday sexy..." He tells me seductively trailing his hand down my torso and grabbing my hand.
He leads me to the doors that I saw walking in earlier. Oh geez.
"Yea... Yea it is my birthday." I offer a smile which is only returned with a wink.
Once settled into the room I notice a chair in the middle, and the stripper slowly pushes me down upon it.
"I thought the birthday boy would want some privacy." He whispers into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.
"Wha-what's your name," I solemnly speak up noticing he didn't have a name tag.
"Sorry babe I don't give out my name, but I'll tell you one thing." He starts telling me, "and that is...?" I ask, my voice barely audible.
"Well you see, I have a thing for 22 year old good boys...."
He must've heard the DJ say my age.
"I don't do this very often, let alone at all, but I'm going to let you touch me." He tells me as if it's the biggest privilege in the world. I am extremely embarrassed because my lack of experience is showing. I hear a low chuckle, "my my, you are a good boy. How about I treat you to a little show and we can both get on with our lives hmm?"
That was quite harsh.
"Uh ye-yea okay." I stutter once again.
He smirks for like the fifth time tonight as he grabs my hands and places them above my head. Tucking my hands behind my head he lets go and turns around as if to sit in my lap. He painfully slowly starts to swivel his hips in circular motions making a small moan erupt from my mouth.
My arousal seemed to make him stop as he slowly got up to face me.
Leaning in, he caressed my cheek and nibbled a bit on my earlobe.
"I'll see you around beautiful." He tells me walking out of the room stopping at the door.
"Oh and Louis... It's Louis right? Uh, have fun dealing with your little problem." With another wink he was gone, leaving me with a painful boner and a flushed face.
Okay now where's Niall... I need to get home.
After I found Niall grinding with some chick, I dragged his ass to a cab as we were both too drunk to drive.
Realizing I had volunteering tomorrow, I placed some headache pills near my bed with some water. I should be fine considering I don't work until the afternoon. Niall decided to spend the night taking the couch in my living room.
Well that was sure one hell of a birthday.

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