chapter eight

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“What are you doing here?” I frantically ask as I help him in the studio window. I meet his eyes for a second and my stomach flips. I feel so underdressed and timidly wrap my arms around myself.

“I just had to come, it’s about this election.” His eyebrows come together with concern.

“What? What is going on...?”

“I just think it’s so sudden don’t you think.”

“It is. It’s like this sudden decision that was made overnight.” I walk over to the window seat and make myself comfortable, then gesture for him to join me. Alex takes a gentle seat next to me. When I breathe, I get a strong whiff of his musky scent and it makes me glad that I am seated as my knees go weak.

“I’ve never even heard them discussing it before it was announced... Dad usually fills me in on most things that are going on.”

“Ha! At least you get that lucky, I’m only filled in on elections and whether I need to attend a meeting, or a dinner...”

He nods his head and smiles sadly.

“Something is going on. I can feel it...” I look over to the window, the raindrops still steadily falling.

“Something different...” He whispers.

“So I’m not the only one who has a bad feeling about this.” I am glad; I thought I was just getting weird feelings from this election. There’s a silence between us, but it seems more like a thinking silence and it is completely comfortable, although my stomach still turns at the sight of Alex.

In his office I hear Dad groan out of frustration and decide to get Alex out of here before anyone sees us.

“Listen, you’ve got to go. If anyone finds you down here there’ll be a whole interrogation.”

“Oh... I’m sorry if I intruded.” He genuinely expresses.

“Oh, no it’s fine. Anytime.” We get to our feet and I help him out the window then give him a small wave.

~      ~      ~

School flies past in a flash and I don’t even make eye contact with Carrie. I do spot Abigail shooting a few death look my way. What have I ever done to her, besides getting a bad feeling from her? Oh well, she’s got attitude and I really dislike her so together I guess we’ll become enemies.

~     ~      ~

I arrive home and am ushered into another meeting. It’s not really a meeting, Mr Greene stands surrounded by cases again and there are about four other high standing men in the room. No words are passed as I reach a seat in the tense atmosphere. Without further ado, Cameron Greene introduces a few new inventions. I squirm uncomfortably in my seat with thoughts buzzing around my head. Everyone now and then I tune into the meeting and I catch him explaining a small circle that looks much like a circular bandaid.

“You just simply attach this to a space on your forehead and it begins to record your dreams. A real dream catcher. Once the night is over you can scan it on your Smart Laptop barcode box and start watching.” With tender hands he locks it back in the box. “It’s still in trial and error stages yet.”

My fingernails suddenly become very interesting as Mr Greene goes on about a hovercraft, flying a small model around the room. I tune in once more when I hear the words ‘Smart Laptop’ though.

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