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"No-visor, No-visor, No-visor," some voice said. It just kept repeating, over and over again. "No-visor-!"

"SHUT UP!" I yelled in response. No one was there except Mother... crud.

"Language, Player! I get you are probably going through something, but my Boys are here.."

"Sorry Mother- just, uhh-!" I couldn't really explain to Mother that a ghost was saying his name over and over again in my mind, without her thinking I'm crazy..."Just thinking, I guess." I said, finishing my sentence in a monotone voice. I walked down to a hallway different to her. But, the voices just got louder, and louder until I reached Electrical. Then, I saw him. No-visor. I was just so mad at him, making Vetto and I break up, making Mother think I'm crazy... I had it. (A/N this contains parts of a fight... I've never been in one, but it'll make sense. OH, violence is never the answer, kids.) I decided to fight him. I tried to give him a knuckle-sandwich, but that turned out to be a pretty lousy move, since I could phase through him cause he was a ghost. Oh! He actually could punch me too, so maybe that was how I ended up getting thrown against a wall. I felt myself float up, and I was a ghost. Greeeaaat. But I can punch him now, since I'm a ghost too. I Punched him, but he punched me back too, but a bit too hard, making me slam against the wall again. For some reason, I bounced off the wall and headed towards him. I think he was trying to dodge me, by going to my body, but I flew right onto- or should I say IN his ghost body. Everything went black.

Cursed you! (by Jessica Dickerson)Where stories live. Discover now