Act I - Part XIII

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(they reach the queens chambers)

Catherine: Oh, dear sweet girl

(Walks up and hugs Eliza)

Catherine: What a relief to have Anne's daughter with us again

Peggy: You knew as well?

Catherine: Of course I knew, I was a child in the court when Anne was executed. Well, you'll be fine here, let me get you a blanket, you must be so scared after what just happened

Eliza: Try confused and shocked! In a matter of minutes Lady Prescott has taken over England, and I found out I'm King Henry's daughter. Now I'm hiding in the Queens chambers while Lady Prescott causes a riot

James: What about us? Are we safe here? She will be especially looking for you mother

Catherine: Yes, Peggy, James barricade the door will you, Elina close all the windows. We're going to have to wait this out

Elina: I'm SO sorry about all this my queen

Catherine: Oh don't apologize for your mother darling, Henry says she always was the problem child growing up. Mind you, I don't care what happens to him either. Good riddance I say!

Eliza: Has he not been very nice to you?

Catherine: Not very nice? Ha! That's an understatement. He's abusive and most of his previous five wives have been killed.

Eliza: Including my mother?

Catherine (with remorse): He showed no mercy

James: (pulls away from window) Bad news, Lady Prescott's men are storming the building

Eliza (panicking): We're going to get found!

Catherine: Calm, child

Elina: Everything will be fine!

Eliza: How can you be so sure

Elina: Because me and Peggy are going to pretend to be the queen and prince, right Peggy

Peggy: Yeh, sure, sounds like a plan

Eliza: What! No! I can't let you go out there...

Elina: It's not a question of whether we're going, but of which one of us is going to be him

James: you don't have to be so harsh

Elina: Harsh? Me? Look in the mirror sweetie

James: Simply CHarMiNg (rolls eyes)

Peggy: I'll do it, come on we haven't much time

(Peggy grabs James' hat while Elina wraps one of Catherine's shawls around her)

(They jump out the window and then disappear into the wing)

(Sounds that display lady Prescott's men distracted by the fake royals)

Catherine: Time to go, I know a secret room in the palace, we'll all be safe there

Eliza: all? I don't think so, I have to have been forgotten with all that has happened, I'm going out there to help

James: We're going to need food and water to last in the secret room through the siege

Eliza: I can go and get that!

James: You'll need me, you don't even know where the palace kitchen is!

Eliza: oh, fine (rolls eyes)

Catherine: Go carefully!

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