17-Sick Day

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I was having a sick day.

I had been throwing up all morning and just generally feeling shitty.

And I had a cough.

Aiden reluctantly left me to go to school but was texting me all morning, until my phone died that is.

I was just laying in my bed feeling sorry for myself.

At least I'm probably throwing up all the weight I gained from the brownies at the left on Friday.

Never mind that's not logical.

It's around 11am now.

I read an entire book this morning but since I finished it I have nothing to do.

I'm debating watching a show, but after starting a bit of that I get a headache.

I end up falling asleep, half naked in my bed.

I wake up only to hear a voice yelling, I think it's Aiden.

"NO, YOU DO NOT GET TO DITCH ME, FORCING ME TO DO ALL THE WORK AND THEN NOT ANSWER ANY TEXTS." The person is walking down the hall, and I hear the door to my room open.

I refuse to open my eyes, still half asleep.

I don't even process the fact that this voice is definitely not my brothers.

"Oh—um are you ok?" I groan, and turn away from the person, now facing the wall.

I feel the contents of my gut starting to spin around.

Oh no.

I'm going to throw up arent I?

"Pass me the garbage." I say this in a soft voice since I'm still barely awake.

I feel the vomit start to come up.


"Pass me the garbage!" I tell this time, not know how much longer I can hold the barf down.

The person immediately hands me the garbage.

I hold it up, my face half in it. I breathe heavily.

"Hey, can I—" He gets cut off my me throwing up.

The person sits on my bed, pulling my hair away from my face as I throw up, rubbing my back.

I have a phobia of throw up.

Oh god.

I can smell it.

I start shaking, the garbage now shifting as my hands shake.

I throw up into it once again, and it doesn't help with the whole phobia thing.

The person wipes tears away from my eyes. I hadn't even realized I was crying.

I don't like being this vulnerable in front of people but it's not like I really have a choice as I'm vomiting into a garbage can.

After barfing into it 3 more times, I finally can feel my stomach settle down, and I take a deep, but still shaky, breath. Relieved that the worst of my vomiting is, for now, over.

I let my eyes flutter closed as the person rubs my back.

All of a sudden, reality comes rushing in.

Wait a minute.

Who the fuck is in my room right now?

I spin my head around to see them but my neck cracks and it immediately hurts. I fucking hate being sick.

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