30-Pass the Potatoes

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"Are you fucking with me?" Ashton clenched his fists. I can tell he's super pissed. I don't know who Brett is but it's clearly a sensitive topic.

"No. Why would I mess with you about this?" Amelie snaps.

Ashton takes a step towards Amelie.

This is my time to step in.

I grab his wrist and drag his body so he's turned toward me.

"Come on pretty boy, why don't you not kill your sister. I think that sounds like a great idea, what about you?" I ask Amelie.

"I think that sounds great too." She replies.

"Mhm, see? Everyone agrees! Isn't it nice when that happens? Why don't we go inside and see if dinner's ready?" I slide his hand into mine and his jaw isn't as clenched as before. His eyes are still slightly angry though. I can work with that.

We walk inside with Amelie behind us. When Diana sees us she gestured us to all sit down at the table.

"So Livia, how have you been liking school?" Diana makes small talk.

"It's been pretty good actually. I do like most of my teachers."

"That's great. You're in quite a few classes with Ash, right?"

"Yeah. We're in English, AP Bio, and Math together." I list off.

"That's nice."

"What do you do?" I hope this isn't a rude thing to ask about people's jobs.

"I'm the head of an organization that works with children in abusive homes." The whole table seems to flinch at this.

"That's so interesting."

"Thank you." Diana says. "Ames, pass the potatoes."

"Do you have a twin?" Amelie asks me.

"Yeah, I have a twin brother. Why?"

"Oh I just thought he'd been over at our house before and you had the same last names so I was just wondering."

"When was Aiden here?" I ask this to mostly Ashton.

"Last December is when Amelie was hanging out with us."

I force myself to take deep breaths as I start to think about what happened last December. I force my eyes shut as I force back tears. Breathing unevenly, I open my eyes to see everyone staring at me with worried looks.

Ashton take my hand under the table.

"You ok?" He whispers, I just nod. I have to be ok. "Liv is an artist. She's really talented." He announces this to the table.  I find this very awkward for me. I hate being talked about when I'm sitting right there.

"What kind of art do you like?" Amelie asks me.

"I love acrylic painting." I force myself not so say graffiti because that probably would not go down well with his mum seeing as most of the stuff I've done are illegal.

"That's so cool. Could you show me some of your stuff sometime?" Amelie seems genuinely interested.

"Sure. Do you like art?"

"I appreciate the beauty of it but I'm shit at it."

"Language." Her mum scolds.

I'm abnormally bad at small talk. I find this so awkward and keep replaying things I've said that could have been weird in my head.

"So, how did you two meet?" Amelie is trying to help me seeing as I probably look awkward as hell.

"At the art gallery that Kai forced me to go to. And then the next day at school." Ashton informs her.

"That's fun." The conversation comes to an awkward pause. Or maybe that's just everyone eating while I notice every little detail.

"So, what grade are you in?" I direct the question towards Amelie.

"I'm a Sophomore."

"Do you go to our school?" She just nods. I guess I haven't seen her since she's new.

My phone starts playing I love Rock n' Roll by the Black Jets signaling I'm getting a call.

I decline and apologize before turning off my ringer. Immediately after I get another call, this time with no ringtone but buzzing violently regardless.

"Maybe you should answer it." Diana says.

"I'll be right back." I press the answer button and bring the phone to my ear, walking into their living room.

"When the fuck are you getting home?" I hear a very angry voice whisper-shout into my ear.
A/N: I may or may not have created an entire plot for a spin off with Amelie. I guess we'll see how this goes before I rush into doing that but I love her so much so I feel like it might happen.

tea ☕️


Anyways the goal for this book is somewhere between 60 and 70 chapter but we'll see what happens.

Also I stan Diana. She's so cute.

kisses 💋

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