22-Ticking Bomb

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2 weeks later

I had been let out of the hospital after two days there. Since then, much has happened.

I started seeing a therapist, or technically a psychiatrist and a therapist. My dad is still worried sick about me.

My friends have been walking on eggshells. Ashton has barely talked to me, only when he needs to for class.

Everyone in my life blames it on themselves, including me.

Kailey has been looking at me with sad eyes, Leila has been super sweet, Jay has been asking me if I need anything every two seconds, Kai has been making jokes trying to lighten the mood. Not to mention Aiden. He's been a mess. He didn't let me out of my bed for 4 days. He doesn't let me near anything sharp. I don't know how much more I can take of this.

My dad has been super honest to me about how he feels about all this so at least there's that.

There's a Senior trip soon. In a week to be more specific.

I haven't brought it up with them but they probably won't let me go. It's fucking insane. I'm going regardless, it's not fair just because I had one slip up, everything changed.

I arrive home after a long day in school and go to my dad.

"Hey, about the senior trip..can I go?"

"I don't know if you should after all that's been going on."

"That was two weeks ago and I'm fine now. There will be people constantly around and that will help more than being alone in a house."

"If you think that it will help then I'm fine with it but I'm still not fully comfortable with the idea. I will contact a teacher that's going and inform them of the circumstances that way I will feel more comfortable, is that ok?" See what I mean? He's totally honest about how he feels and I really appreciate that.

"I'm ok with that. Just choose wisely which teacher you tell." I reply.

"I will."

This makes my life a whole lot easier. I don't have to go through a whole process of convincing him.

I just want my life to go back to normal. The only person who has treated me normally is Ms. Reid. I've grown to like her more now because of that.

I go to my room and after doing some homework, decide to start packing. I'm really excited.

The trip is to a super nice camping place called treebone resort. It was like 2 hours away from school and the grade would be split into 4 different buses that would all leave on Sunday morning. We would be there for 4 days.

I call Kailey to help me pack since she was usually the more practical one while Leila packed her entire wardrobe "just in case."

She picks up almost immediately and we have yet another one of our phone calls we're she is super sympathetic.

I'm a ticking bomb and if this goes on for much longer, I will explode.
A/N: sorry for the short chapter

lmao I really gotta go. This is unedited ofc.

kisses 💋

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