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~Evi's POV~

                I hadn't gotten any sleep. I couldn't sleep! I had to finish this one book. Then, I could sleep. I was reading The Oath. It was SUCH a good book. I looked beside me at Zayn sleeping. He was so adorable when he was asleep. I looked back to my book. I was on the last page. I finally finished the book and quietly closed it. I turned the lamp off and turned over to fall asleep. "Finally going to sleep, babe?" Zayn's voice made me jump. "Yeah," I whispered. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him. "Why haven't you gotten any sleep?" he asked. "I was readin'." "Reading what?" "The Oath." "Turn over," he ordered. I groaned as I turned over and looked him the eye. "Tell me what these are about," he said as he pushed my bracelets up my arm, exposing the scars up and down my arm. "It's called depression," I replied. He gently rubbed his thumb over a fresh one. "And you still have it?" he asked. I merely nodded. "Why?" "After my mom died, and I never had anyone to talk to. I never let out my emotions, so they came out physically. And this happened," I explained, referring to the scars. "And you still don't? What about Claira?" "We just became friends at the audition." There was an awkward silence. "Don't do this anymore," he said, giving me a light kiss on the lips. I smiled as I turned back over, his arm slipping around my waist, gently take my hand in his. "Goodnight, love," he whispered as I dozed off into a restless sleep.

~Next Morning~

                "Evi, wake up," Zayn cooed in my ear. "Ugh," I groaned as I turned to be face first in the pillow. "You have to get to the studio with Enchanted. They need to see how well you write," he told me. I opened my eyes and turned over. "Louis made us breakfast." "Carry me," I pleaded. He chuckled and picked me up bridal style. "Give me a kiss in return," he ordered. "Ew, no. You got mornin' breath," I said, scrunching up my face. He rolled his eyes and began carrying me to the dining room. "What'd Lou make?" I asked. "Bacon, eggs, toast; the usual." I yawned as he sat me in a chair beside Harry. "Morning," Harry said. "Mornin'," I muttered. "You're not a morning person?" "Not a bit." He chuckled. "What do you want, Evi?" Louis called. "Just gimme a piece o' toast and a piece o' bacon 'n I'll be good!" I called back. "That's not a very good breakfast," Zayn said. "That'd be a morsel for Niall, here," I joked. We laughed. "Why don't you eat much?" Liam asked. "Just never hungry." "Oh," Zayn said, for he understood.

                There was a knock on the door. "Who is it?!" Louis yelled. "It's the girls!" Rosa called. "LEWIS. GIMME MY FOOD." I ordered, jokingly. He chuckled and threw me a piece of toast and a piece of bacon, both which I caught at ease. I stuffed them in my mouth. “You’re crazy,” Harry muttered. Liam opened the door to reveal 3 girls, all of which I was eager to see. I quickly swallowed the food, wiped my mouth off with a napkin, and ran into the bathroom.


~Zayn’s POV~

                “Where is she going?” Rosa asked. The girls came in and sat at the table with us. “To get ready, I suppose,” Liam replied. I took a bite of one of my pieces of bacon. “So, are you and Evi dating?” Harry asked. “I guess you could say that,” I replied. “Have you-” “No, Harry. And we most likely won’t for a while. She’s only 17,” I cut him off. “Well, he and Caroline did it when he was only 17 and she was 32,” Niall pointed out. “Shut up,” Harry said. I chuckled. “Who’s Caroline?” Kiki asked. “Just an ex of Harry’s. They dated a while back,” Louis replied.

                “Zayn, can I talk to you in private?” Liam asked. “Uh, sure,” I said as I got up from the table. We walked into his bedroom. “What is it?” I asked. “Are you sure dating Evilynn, a mortal, is a good idea?” he asked. I rolled my eyes. “I’ve been able to hold the urges down. It should be alright,” I replied. “You just can’t bite her.” “I know that. If I didn’t, she would be one of us by now.” “Just promise me you’ll be careful and control yourself. Louis told me you were yelling at her at the beach.” I looked down in shame. “I didn’t mean to,” I muttered. “Just don’t let it happen again.” And with that, he left the room. I sat on the bed. I really couldn’t take any chances. I’d just have to be very careful.

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