Oh no...

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(WARNING: The following may contain: Death, Kidnapping, Guns and anything else of the sort, if you are uncomfortable with any of these topics I advise to turn back now. Goodbye😊)

Giyuu p.o.v

"SHINOBU GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK," I yell to the purple eyed girl, "why can't you just go over to your girlfrie-"

"Mitsuri is NOT my girlfriend," she yells back, you could hear in her voice that she was blushing.

"ugh fine, whatever, I'm going on a walk, but I need my phone," I say as I walk to my room too get some shoes. I hear her door open. She walks to my door and slides my phone under it. I eagerly pick it up, "Thanks Shino!"

"whatever, I'm calling Mitsuri," I smirk a little, I knew they were dating. Anyways, I finally found my shoes. I put them on and grab my BTS hoodie.

I walk out of my room and to the front door. I walk out of our shared apartment and to the elevator. It takes a little bit for the elevator to reach the lobby as we are on the 15th floor. Once I reach the lobby I head toward the front door.

Now that I'm on the sidewalk, it seem's just a little too quiet...eh, who cares. I'll just run to the store real quick.


I decide to take an alleyway back home because that's a ✨wOnDeRfUl✨ idea.

Anyways, I was currently eating some dango that I got from the store, it's really good.

I turn the corner and I see 4 men. I didn't think anything of it, so I just silently walked past, none of them ended up seeing me.


I freeze, and slowley turn around. There, against the wall, was a splatter of blood and multiple peices of some guys brain. One of the other three guys just shot him!

"y-you..." I managed to stutter out, "you sh-shot him!"

The three guys standing before me turn around, shocked expressions on their faces. One had a gun in his hand, I assume he was the one who shot the guy.

"ugh great, now we have a witness," the one with white hair says, rolling his eyes, he then smirks, "guess we'll have to do something about that"

The other two nod their heads in agreement. They all slowly walk towards me as I slowly back up.

'What am I supposed to do!? Just their appearances alone are scary enough!' I think, drastically trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, "p-please don't hurt me! I won't tell anyone, I-I pr-promi-"

"oh you won't have to worry about that...hey, your pretty cu-" the peach haired one gets cut of by getting jabbed in the stomach by the white haired guy.

This is my chance, two of them are distracted and I'm sure I could, probably, dodge if the other tries to grab me. It's the only chance I'm gonna get so I'm gonna take it!

I run, only barely dodging the blonde as he tries to grab my arm. I ran as fast as I could, taking multiple turns until I was sure I had lost them(or so he thought😈).

I think I had taken about ten, or so, turns until I stopped behind a wall. That's when the tears started falling.

"t-they were gonna kill me!" I whispered as more tears ran down my face. I quietly looked around the corner to see if they followed me. They didn-

"you have it all wrong, sweetheart," (oof the cringe🤡) a low voice whispered into my ear. Before I could react, an arm wrapped around my waist, a hand covering my mouth from behind. It was the blonde haired guy.

Suddenly, I'm pushed against the wall, giving a little 'ow' as my back filled with pain. He had pinned me to the wall, trapping my head in between both of his hands.

I looked up at him with wide eyes, tears streaming down my face. He looks down at me and smiles. It wasn't a friendly smile though, it was quite a menacing one. One that would scare anything and anyone, even a lion.

I'm scared, I don't know what to do... The guy presses something to my stomach. I glance down.

'h-he has a gun!' I thought, I look back up and my eyes lock with his.

"I wouldn't suggest calling for help," he says. His eyes hold a cold, emotionless aura. It seemed a little unatural for a human's eyes to be so cold, so mysterious.

It made me nervous. We just stood there, looking at each other. After what seem like hours, I looked away.

"Look, I hate to do this, but I may have to kill you," he says. I look back up at him, "although, I might be able to keep you, if Tanjiro allows it of course"

Keep me? What does this guy think I am, a dog?

"I'm not a dog, you can't just 'keep' me," of course I had to make a snarky comment about it. He looks at me again, a little surprised; but, that look of surprise only lasts for an instant, his face morphs into that of a scowl.

And just like that everything goes black.


uh, hi😃

I am very sorry for the slow updates, but I hope you like the first chapter!

                                - HunterxHunter_67

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