The unexpected

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This was going to be bad. This was going to be very bad.

Eddie left his bike sitting on the driveway and walked up to the door. There was no point sneaking through his window, he'd be punished anyway.

"Ugh fuck." Eddie mumbled under his breath as he opened the door.

He walked into the house with dread. He used to be afraid of illness but now he was afraid of his own mother.

Eddie took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. He took a puff of his inhaler and cursed under his breath again.

"Mommy?" Eddie forced himself to yell.

He stood frozen in the hallway, not able to move further into the house.

"Eddie?" He heard his mother call, her footsteps coming closer and closer.

Eddie stepped into the lounge room and saw Sonia hurrying towards him.

"Mom I-" Eddie started but was cut off as the large women hugged him and then slapped him across the face.

"Where were you? I told you to stay inside!" Sonia yelled at him.

Eddie wasn't upset, he wasn't going to cry because she slapped him. He was angry, and he'd had enough of her shit.

"I'm not sick! I'm fine and I'm going to do what I want. You can't lock me up or force drugs down my throat anymore!" Eddie yelled back.

There was no mom or mommy. He wouldn't be babied anymore.

"Eddie just calm down, let's be reasonable." Sonia said her tone switching from angry to soft.

Eddie shook his head.

"Eddie, listen to me!" Sonia said trying to keep herself calm.

Eddie forced himself to stay calm, he bit his lip in anger and turned to face her.

"Fine." He forced out.

"Eddie bear what if, we just let everything go back to normal, I'll let you hang out with your friends and we just let everything go back to how it was." Sonia said.

Eddie was shocked. He never could have believed it was going to be this easy.

"Okay." He said trying to hide his excitement.

"Good, you know I only do what is best for you Eddie." She said with a sad smile, one that was unfamiliar to Eddie.

No, she really didn't do what was best for him. But Eddie wasn't going to say anything to ruin things.

"Yes I know." Eddie lied.

"Good, now, I'm going to get some dinner ready." She said walking out of the lounge and into the kitchen.

Eddie smiled and raced up to his room. He jumped onto his bed with a squeal. He'd done it. It was almost too good to be true.

When dinner was ready Eddie ran down the stairs and sat down at the table. He ate his dinner and helped wash up. He then got ready for bed, had a shower, brushed his teeth and slipped into the cool covers.

He lay in bed thinking about Richie. Would he be okay? Of course he would, he was Richie. Eddie couldn't wait to hang out with the losers tomorrow.

Sleep overtook him soon, his worries floating away.


Eddie woke up with a smile on his face. The sun streaming through his window.

𝐹𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑦𝑜𝑢 - 𝐴 𝑅𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑒 𝑓𝑎𝑛𝑓𝑖𝑐Where stories live. Discover now