Not this time

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This is a story after vansh fake kidnapping drama.

Riddhima destroyed Tear of Laila in order to save vansh . But vansh , for him always his business and his backstabbing family comes first excluding Riddhima. So why would he see Riddhima's efforts for him.

Riddhima tried to hug him but he jerked her off and went back to hotel. There his Snake family showing their fake happiness in his return. He embraced each of them. He forgave siya because she is his little sister.

Riddhima was watching all this drama with a sad and painful smile plastered on her lips.  How Vansh forgave sia and her betrayal!! She quietly moved towards her room.

Vansh was watching all her moves still he didn't bother to stop her . He then moved towards dine to have lunch with his so called family.

He also noticed how no body bothered to call his pregnant wife for lunch . If she is hungry? If she had eaten? But then he also didn't  call her and  he ate his lunch quietly .

On the Other side in room , Riddhima was sobbing on room hugging her legs and heads on knee . But this time Riddhima had had enough of his games and his family's disrespect.
For heaven sake , she is also a human who needs love , care , attention that too a pregnant one who is this phase needs more of it. But what she gets in return??
Attacks, humiliation , disrespect and what not??

She had always craved for family love since childhood. Being orphan , no one can better understand family love than her  . But if family is like his one then she had thanked God that she is orphan . At first she was happy that At least she got a family but neither the family loved her not accepted her . Her only way was Vansh.

But when they were going to have family of their own then due to his insecurities he refused to accept the child. Then she had to make him accept their own baby. The numerous attack upon her by his own family , forceful abortion, the hurdles she passed out that time , if other then the person would have been either dead or been in mental hospital by now. The patience she have, no other could be like one.

What wrong she did if she became little selfish to protect their upcoming baby and her family. Why she always have to understand vansh?? Why can't he see her struggles to safe guard their family? Even after knowing due to Ishani, they were on  verge of losing their child but how gladly he opened his arms for her . Like really , this Raisinghania's think she don't have any self respect or what ??
Now she won't entertain any of their games this time. Not this time.

If it was other time then it wouldn't have affected her. But this time she isn't alone. One more soul is growing inside her .

"I know baby I'm little emotional fool and lately I have been little ignorant to your health. I am very very sorry for this baby  but now I won't ignore your health and will take care of you fully. It's a promise baby . Mumma loves you so much" ,  Riddhima said to herself with her one hand on her slightly visible belly.

It was already noon. And due to Vansh kidnapping drama and all she already had exhausted her and her baby's health a lot so,  Not this time. Because of it she can't affect her baby health. So she ordered her lunch in the room. She had it and took her medicines.  Then she sat on the balcony chair and started reading some Novels.

While reading it she feel asleep in balcony only. While Vansh came back to his room by spending time with his not-so lovely family to check on Riddhima. When he came back he saw Riddhima sleeping on Chair while her one hand holding her book and her other hand on her slightly protruding belly. She was sleeping like a cute small baby. A smile crept on his lips.

Vansh thought with ignoring all their differences for sometime, "  How cute she looks while sleeping!! She is herself a baby then how will she handle our baby. But whatever she will be a cute and great mother . "

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