Too late!

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Note: It's not a RiAnsh story.
No bashing is allowed.

One shot based after Vansh's Press conference track.


The story starts after Vansh fake press conference drama which was really not fake. Broken Riddhima moved out of VR Mansion after her husband so called revenge.

She thought that finally Vansh and her relationship will grow. But if she knew her husband's motive. Being an orphan she always craved for love and care. Kabir gave her the same she wanted. She fell in his fake love trap. When he asked her to pay price of his love , she agreed being in his love. Better she knew , it was going to change her life drastically.

When she came to Vansh life as a spy, she was determined to send him behind bars. But time being, Riddhima realised Vansh's innocence and her love for him. Every time she tried to tell about her past to Vansh , he always denied saying her past doesn't matters to him . If only she knew he was going to shatter her.

Dejected Riddhima was walking on road. Her knees bleeding, messy hairs , miserable condition which was because of her not so beloved husband. Poor her, there she was thinking if he was fine or not and here he was busy taking revenge or announcing someone else as his wife.

He left her that too alone in some unknown place . He for once also didn't even thought the negative possibilities that she would have faced. She might get caught into accident and to bad what if she would have get raped or molested by somebody. Didn't he loved her !!

When he did suicide by jumping off cliff , she was the most traumatised person. Still he played with her being Vihaan, mentally weakened her, taunted her daily making her suffer more , brought Ahana to hurt her and what not! Seeing her mourning for Vansh that too in front of him only also didn't soften his heart ! After all a heartless mafia he was!

Was she So unlucky that she didn't deserved anybody's love? Was being orphan curse that people always taunt her to be unlucky and what not? Today even her husband show her , her's true place that a orphan can never get a family. It was just her bad luck to expect a loving and caring family which she never could get!!

Vansh , on the other side was confused. He wanted when he will announce Ahana as his wife , Riddhima will come there and fight for her right claming herself to be his wife. But the scene today he saw he didn't expected. Riddhima simply went outside without fighting for her rights. He again misunderstood her thinking her to be unfaithful to him. He was thinking that he did right by punishing her only if he knew he lost her that too forever.

Only if Vansh knew only Riddhima was his true family. Others were just back stabbers . These Raisinghania's can change their colour faster than chameleons. They just take vansh as their money making machine rather to be called ATM from where they can take whatever money they want!!

Ishani, God knows for what reason she hates Riddhima. Maybe because she was orphan because according to her only high class people have rights to live with respect. Locking Riddhima in the room full of coal , she thinks she is a great human. But she is the same girl who does nothing just than enjoying upon and wasting her brother's hard earned money. And now Riddhima is gone she is the happiest.

Aryan, this bastard has always his lusty eyes upon Riddhima. So, when he couldn't get her it triggered his male ego. And butter to his flaming fire vansh married her. So he hated Riddhima because he couldn't make her his. That's why he tried killing her by trying to burn her in Ravan's effigy.

Well , Dadi and Chanchal chachi. Let's not talk about this flipper Dadi. and Goldie chachi. My blood just boils every time I watch them. God knows why! And Angre , he was just following his boss order as a loyal P.A which he always does.

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