Lost her!!

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Here we go with final shot!!

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As said, Vansh along with his LOVELY family were going to Australia for a FAMILY vacation but Vansh was going to meet a Australian businessman for business purpose plus they were going to live in the businessman house only.

All of them reach Australia in afternoon time. The business tycoon with whom Vansh was going to collaborate has sent car for them to reach his home safely. Quickly they settled themselves into the BMW and their journey started to the tycoon's house . Maybe after a journey of an hour or two they finally reach his house.

His house was not less than the palaces. Obviously beautiful than VR Mansion. Ishani and Ahana were envying if there is any ladies in the house who enjoy in this heaven. Aryan was thinking if he could go to pub and hit on some girls and some whiskey. Vansh had neutral reaction. Sia was the same. Angre was standing along with his son Reyansh. Leave about Dadi and chachi.

The Raisinghania's were welcomed by the business tycoon itself. And he was none other than Anirudh Singh Oberoi. Yes he was Anirudh!! Riddhima was not present at home and Aima too. He and some of his family members were home the time. After a quick introduction the Raisinghania's were shown their room and they went to rest. Of course unknown to the shock they were going to get.

After sometime, to be precise on evening , Aima came home from her friends house where She went during afternoon. She was more than happy today because tomorrow there was going to be poem competition in her school and she is recite a poem that is going to be written by her only. So she is super duper excited to recite her poem in front of her classmates and teachers.

Anirudh: Aww baby you came!! How was your day ?
Anirudh asked his princess as he came home when Aima was gone outside.

Aima: Dada my day was best! You know tomorrow am going to recite poem in my class.
Aima , said being very much excited.

Anirudh: WoW , so my baby will surely rock.
He said picking her up and kissing her forehead.

Aima: Thank you Dada! Is Mama home?
She kissed Anirudh's cheeks and asked about her Mama.

Anirudh: No baby Mama is coming in sometime. You know there are lots of guests as home today.
Anirudh told his daughter.

Aima: WOW really!! Okhh am hungry let's have some food.
The cute girl said to her dada.

Anirudh: Ok eta eat but firstly let's go and freshen up. Okay!
Anirudh said to Aima and went upstairs along with Aima.

After a while Anirudh came down along with Aima. His family, including his mother , brother , uncle and aunt were present. His father was gone outside, also Riddhima. He fed Aima some food and got busy with own worl.

Raisinghania's were also called for dinner as Riddhima was coming in sometime so all were waiting for her only.

While Raisinghania's reach the dining hall , they noticed a little girl whom they haven't seen before. Vansh was feeling if he have seen the little girl some where. Of course she was Riddhima's daughter so it was obvious for her daughter to be like her. Aima got her eyes and cute nose . Others features including her behaviour is like Anirudh. Of course Dada's princess she was.

Sia asked about Aima to Oberoi's that who she was. Anirudh said she is his princess, daughter.  All the family members introduced their relation to Raisinghania's showing how much important she was for them.

Vansh thought if he and Riddhima were together then they would also have a child. But due to his foolishness and mistake only he lost her. His reason to live, his happiness and all. He is still hoping to get her back in his life and ask forgiveness from her. But if he knew she will never be his. He already LOST HER!!

After waiting for a while Riddhima came inside house along with her father-in-law. She didn't noticed Raisinghania's sitting over there with shocked expression.

The Raisinghania's face were not less than if they saw any ghost. Vansh was shocked would be understatement. He felt if he got his breath back. He wanted to go and tightly embrace her in his hug and feel her but he was just numb seeing her after eight long years. But her next action shocked him.

She went towards Anirudh and hugged him. It was their daily routine to hug each other after coming home. She later hugged Aima and kissed her. Raisinghania's mainly Vansh was okay until Aima called her Mama. He was thinking it to be worst dream . He was literally shocked that his Sweetheart, his Riddhima moved on from him.

Others Raisinghanai's were cursing her obviously in mind. They were thinking that she trapped Anirudh and married him. But Alas If they knew the good doesn't needs to find good. It itself comes to you. So Riddhima , a kind hearted girl her companion as Anirudh, her life partner and Aima , as blessing in her life. And Oberio Family as her family. The love and care she got from this family which she never got in her life.

Riddhima After a while saw them. Firstly she was shocked but she quickly composed herself and greeted them with a tight smile.
It really pained Vansh to see her eyes void of emotion or say her eyes were showing hateful emotions. The eyes once which used to hold so much love for him , today was holding hateful gaze which we meant for him only.

Sia , was really happy seeing her Bhabhi , sorry physio after a long. She just wanted to hug her and apologise to her. As she holds herself responsible for the happenings that happened with Riddhima.

Without saying anything all of them settled in dinning table and started having their lunch. While others were eating Aima was continuously blabbering about how her day went and all. Others family were quietly adoring the little family who were enjoying their own family time. But for Vansh, the scene was like piercing his heart into pieces. 

While others were busy eating a pair of eyes were staring someone. It was Aayush, Anirudh younger sibling gazing siya as if he loves her from her many years . And yes it was right. When Aayush visited India eight months ago , he met Siya there. With time being they eventually fell in love. But it is unknown to both their family. While Siya was also time to time gazing towards Aayush.

Vansh felt he lost his appetite so he went to his room saying he was full and didn't wanted to eat further . Few of them understood his turmoil and he was gone. He cursed himself because of him only he lost his WIFE.

It was already few days Raisinghania's living at Oberio's house. But Riddhima never talked to Vansh neither glanced look at him. If it was the same Riddhima as she was years back then she would have tightly hugged him. But now his presence really don't affect her as she have really moved on from him.

Vansh many time tried to initiate talk towards her. But she never gave a damn. Once he forcefully took her to terrace. There they had a heartfelt confrontation. Her breakdown make him understand how broken she was. But now when she is happy , he is hell bent on destroying her happiness. He realized, that now he really don't have any place in HER life and decided to let her be happy in her present life.

He decided to go back because now he can't break a beautiful family because of his selfishness. It shouldn't be him always , this time it was her also. Her happiness mattered for him so he decided to go far from her life. Eventually he got to know about Sia and Aayush relationship. He got both of them married and he along with his family went back India. Vansh, hoping if not in this birth but other birth they would be together.




Hope you liked it..*fingers crossed*

I am really sorry if this Innocent girl disappointed you!!

I didn't United them because we can't forgive some mistakes can't really be forgiven nor forget!!

Take care!!

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