*Special* - Goodbye, Bea

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[Author's Note]

When this thing first started, it was planned to end with Bea's death. However, once it began and the story progressed, it started to feel like that just wouldn't be the right way to close. It was too final for a character like Bea. Thus, this was written by my co-author and good friend who has helped me write this behemoth and I liked it so much that I thought, "You know, why end it so finally? Who says the story ever really ends?" Bea always knew she would be back with her family someday, after all. Thanks to everyone who kept with this thing and who left amazing comments and words of support. You all have been lovely. I hope you enjoy the closing (or is it an opening?) to Bea's story.

- Lizzie


My chest had been tight, engulfed with pain around my lungs in such a way that it hurt to breathe. I was scared for the first time in many, many years. Never had my body simply seem to give up and collapse on itself like it had. I knew that I must have given Joe and Martha a scare, let alone poor Pelly. Yet, when I lay in that bed, I felt like someone was waiting for me, and my heart fluttered with that glimmer of hope that, maybe, it might just be them. I could feel my strength beginning to slip away and that was when I decided that I was ready, especially if it meant that I could see them all again.

When I shut my eyes, I felt the room dissolve away as if it had all been a dream, and the dreadful humidity gave way to a cooling breeze that smelled like oak and magnolias. I let it wash over me with a contented sigh when I felt something tickle my nose. I twitched my nose and the sensation went away, but it quickly came back. I swatted at the air, eyes still closed, and the sensation vanished again. This time, though, it was followed by a frustrated sigh and I froze. "When do you think she'll notice?"

"Ah, hell, Tom, let her sleep a while."

"She's had all day to lie about in bed, Uncle Frank. Wakey wakey, sleepyhead!"

The tickling resumed, except this time the grass found its way up my nose and I sat up with a sputtering cough and rubbed my nose violently, giving a couple of sound sneezes before whipping around in annoyance to the source of the commotion, only to freeze in sheer disbelief. Sitting there, legs crossed and folded respectively, were Tom and Uncle Francis. I sat there, blinking, unbelieving, at the sight before my eyes. Uncle Francis grinned and elbowed Tom, "Told you that she'd react like this. I know my niece."

"Been a while, sis. What kept you?" Tom grinned at me and shifted himself calmly as I watched him, gaping like some fish. "Honestly, gaping like that is very unbecoming of you..."

"Unless you have conveniently forgotten, you are dead," Uncle Francis quipped from where he sat beside Tom, making me utter another shocked noise from somewhere in my throat and they laughed at me. "Fret not. Besides, you are keeping some people very anxious, taking your sweet time like this."

Some people? "Who...?" The whole thought that made it bearable to leave my family had completely slipped my mind upon seeing them alive and well.

"Oh, the usual lot. Anne has been waiting for you for quite some time, so has Richard Henry. Do not even allow me to begin in regards to your friends..."

I jumped to my feet excitedly and realized where I was. I was sitting in the clearing by the walking path in Westmoreland. Everything returned vividly and my chest swelled to epic proportions with sheer happiness. It was summer in Westmoreland, early summer by the bright greens of the trees, and I inhaled the sweet summer air before gathering my senses and raising a hand to my face. The skin was soft and smooth beneath my fingers, and I raised my hand to my hair, plucking a strand to see the color. The welcome dark brown made me gasp in delight. My hips no longer hurt, my skin was young and radiant, and my prized dark hair was no longer silver with age. Then, I realized that Joseph wasn't there. Neither were my children.

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