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Two days....

its been two days that I've been here in this same spot in my smelly Pj's 

gosh how i wanted a nice warm bath.

My wrist and ankles were sore from being tied together. On occasion i'd try to pull them free but it never worked. I looked down at my stained pajama shirt. I have to admit i cried a few times when i was alone. Which is how i spend most of my time down here...


It hurt to think that my was somewhere enjoying life not even caring about what could be happening to me. She wasn't waiting by the phone for my call... or nervous sending her daughter a text checking in to make sure things were ok.

Shit im not even sure if i have her number.... we barely spoke anymore. This was our relationship now.. So much anger and hatred build up in me from these past few events. I can't believe i had to deal with all of this bc they thought I was brittney..... well they knew my name so obviously they didn't think i was her. But they thought i was the heir...

I wanted nothing to do with this family, instead im stuck being held hostage while she gets to go buck wild.

I'm gonna do it... Im so gonna kill her when i get out of here.

I wasn't in a rush to escape because part of me knew i would make it out. It wasn't some surreal boost of confidence either. My gut just told me that everything would be okay. I had faith in me... so i wasn't gonna panic. I'll just think things thru carefully and see how i can twist this situation to my advantage. 

I looked up when i heard the door open

Oh gosh... he's back 

Hanging my head down i pretended to be sleep. His heavy foot steps echoed as he walked over to me. Before i heard him smack his lips

JayB: we all know your not asleep. Lift your head so i can feed you properly

i tried to kick him but failed do to my legs being tied together

Me: Fuck off

I got one meal a day everyday and he was always the one to deliver it to me. Once i tried to play sleep and he left... well at least i thought he did. I heard his feet retreat and the door closed so i assumed he was gone. When i lifted my head he was still in the room leaning against the while next to the door with his arms crossed. 

JayB: your annoying you know that

Me: well your a bitch so i guess we both learned about ourselves today

I said looking around the room avoiding eye contact.

JayB: listen enough chat. you need to eat... Young-Jae needs you alive. If it was up to me You'd be dead already

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