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I woke up snuggling into the pillow. yawning some i looked around seeing jayb was no longer in bed with me.

hmmm.... was i dreaming???

i heard a soft purr and looked under the covers finding Blake nestled against my leg. I pulled him up to my back were he rolled over stretching his arms out.

I looked around my room.

huh...so it wasn't a dream

my body heated up as i remembered the words he spoke to me last night. It was so unexpected. just as the words left his mouth i practically ached for him to touch me. thinking about it all caused me to frown a tad. Out of all moments thats the one moment where i wish he wouldn't have kept his composure. Lord knows its been a while since i've been laid. i could have used the relief. 

Shit the way he was talking he probably hasn't been laid either....

thinking about it. If i didn't know jayb i'd be scared to approach him. maybe thats why he gets no play???

i shook my head

nah that dude is drop dead gorgeous theres no way woman don't throw themselves at him.

Getting up i walked into my bathroom and got dressed for the day. before i opened my room door letting Blake into jay's. i went to put some food and water in his bowls. I also thought about cleaning his litter box that was next to the couch but walking inside the room fully i saw that jay had already did that.

i smiled down at Blake who made himself comfy on the head rest of the couch looking out of the window.

Me: You've got an amazing dad.

i jumped when i heard a voice in the door way behind me

"who are you talking to??"

jumping and turning around i was met with jin. i scratched my neck, 

Me: aww no one, haha. whats up.

i said walking out of jayb's room and closing the door behind me.

Jin: I wanted to check on your injuries.  let you sleep in long enough but now i should take a look.

i nodded and followed him to his office.

Leaving jin's office i i sighed

he said i was doing fine and that the wounds should heal over time without any further assistance. which i was happy to hear.

frowning at the sound of my belly screaming. i headed towards the kitchen and dinning room. when i got there i was greeted with bambam who had a spread of food around him and was casually digging in and mixing things together.

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