Runaway chapter 6

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PO.V. Blitzo

*The night after Stolas left

Blizto was getting ready for bed when his phone rang with a message. Reading it he saw that it was just a threat for him to leave stolas which wasn't the first time this happened.
Ignoring it blitzo went to the bathroom to wash.

10 minutes later

There was another message but this one was different that they were not going to assassinate him but stolas. That if he wants stolas to stay alive he had to stay away from him. Scared he almost drops the phone. He texts back asking why did they want to kill him. But the sender didn't answer, just said that they were doing their job. Desperately blitzo ask if he can pay to cancel the hit but laughed saying that even if he gave more money than the client they will still kill stolas.

Furious blitzo wanted to curse at them. But the sender stop replying.
Sitting blitzo started thinking about what would happen. Then he thought of a life without stolas but he can't stand it. Stolas always made his life interesting and he got along well with his daughter but he can't ignore the fact that stolas would die if he doesn't break up with him.  Feeling alone he doesn't know what to do.

He just found out he was in love with stolas but never realized it. Crying silently in his bed, blitzo could only accept it, slowly falling asleep.

*Back to the present

After Loona left, blitzo started packing taking up 5 minutes to finish then sit on the bed. Staring into space thinking about what would he do with his life and what would happen to loona and him after leaving the house. He went to listen to some songs on YouTube when he happened to come across a love song. He hesitated then played it.

When he was just going downstairs to ask one of the maids to make him a snack. His phone rang. Seeing it was loona, he sighed and answer.

"Yes, loona what is it?"

"Blitzo, Are you still home?"

"Yea, I been here since morning. Now, why did you called?"

"I'm on my way, just give me 2 minutes." Lonna ends the call.

Puzzled blitzo didn't know why she was coming over so early when there's still some time before work ends. Waiting, loona came in breathing heavily as she had run over instead of taking the bus. Catching her breath, she told him stolas was looking for him at work and he's on his way over here now. Blitzo was scared silly that drop his phone.

"What am I going to do?" Said blitzo panicking." I'm not ready to tell him."

"Why not go live with your real sister Tilla?"

"But she had a family already. I don't make her husband uncomfortable when I stay over you remember what's happened the last thanksgiving." Blitzo said, "plus barbie annoys me."

"Then stay home and wait for stolas," said loona folding her arms.

" No, I'll go. my bags are all packed so I'll call a taxi." calling a taxi to come to pick him up.

"Also if you leave. I'll hold onto your phone, just so that stolas track you down."

"I can't believe I'm saying this but loona that's was the most brilliant advice you gave me."

"Yea, blitzo don't mention it." Angrily said loona, trying hard not to strangle him.

Seeing her furious, blitzo bolted out of the room with his bags waiting for the taxi.

He Wants It All (striker x blitzo x stolas) Where stories live. Discover now