5.coming out story my mum said she accepts me but doesnt lol havnt come out to most ppl i sorta just either wrote a note or mssged them saying im nb/gau lol
6.pet peeves idk i have so many but like i cant think of any pen clicking and loud chewing come to mind tbo
7.fav food chicken or these chocolate pastrue thingz idk wat they called
8.fav memory donr have any lol
9.how do u feel rn like shit;rlly selfconcious and worried bout thingz:p
10.old selfie vs new selfie these r from like 2018 lol
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these r from 2021
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11.top 5 fav bookz i cant/dont reed lol
12.dream job idk maybe councilor or sumthing to do w art/working w kidz:]
13.fav movie scene THERE R SO MANY OMG so i love tthe one in dps wen todd and neil are talkin and neil says no to todd tamin care of himself and wen they throw todds bday present of the roof
i also love all of venom lol but mainly the end scene and the one where venom callz ediie a pussy
the scenes where erik and charlez are look 4 diff murants in 1st class basicaly any scene w erik and charlez 2gether OMF THE SCENE WHERE ERIK IS GETTING HIS HELMET BAK IN DOFP
idk therez so many scenes i love
14. fav celebrieties james mcvoy michael fasbender evan peters the fude who plays jj the dude who plays rafe jenifer laurence
idk therez alot
15.worzte habbit BITING MY NAILS
16. ppl that mean alot to u my younger cousibz and brother my irl frendz online frenz siblins
17.things that cross ur mind alot jj from outerbankz idk my brain is like rlly loud static w a tv swifching between 20 billion diff channles at a time zo its rlly messy and barely any thoughtz actualy come up
18.a sbort term goal idk fukin ur dad
19.wordz that describe u hot;sexy;swag nah but prob like loud,,annoying,,reserved idk
20.weirdest fact about u im the 2nd youngest but also oldest siblin wise lol
21.five wayz to win ur heart be nice talk alot funny respectful be a guy/nb person
22.somsthing u regret 2 mang thingz but uh maybe tellin p certain thingz lol
23.long term goalz fuking ur dad
24.fav drawing/painting idk i like alot of fansrt tho not a big fan of "actual" art
25.travel destenations idk i dont like traveling but maybe somwhere i can meet some online frendz lol who it wuld b rlly awkward
26.pets 2 cats named gremlin and jäger and a dog named nala:D
27.if the world where about to end wat wuld u do tell every1 im close i love them and then fuk all thsir dadz
28.a letter to anyone
u r worth it and u matter i know its tough and u can feel like u cant do it but u can just give it time and keep fightine i. alwayz here if u need anything ily<3 also im goin to fuk ur dad tonite😜
29.fav season winter or autum
30. ur definition of love
so.sthing that makez u happy but also sad idk its confusing ut can brong me so much joy but at the same time so much pain