I might just tell my friends I don't like labels for my sexuality but I like all genders with no preference only cause they'd into suppourt pansexuals
Cause of the old meaning and when I tried explaining further (not rlly cause I didn't wanna out myself) I basically just said that it's bisexuals have preferences and pansexuals don't (I know this isn't exactly true) and they said "then y don't they say there bisexual with/without a preference" jdjdjdjdjd I hate them
But there sweetishAnd I can't rlly explain it to them cause they'll think I'm dumb and one of them thinks she knows everything bout shit like that when she doesn't like yes she's part of the community but she literally knows nothing besides the basic lesbians like women, gays like men, enbys exsist and that shit like I want to strangle her sometimes cause she won't listen to me and the other one just goes along with her cause she's fucking in love it sum shit kdjdkdjdjd
lgbtq+ shit 2
De Todohey y'all this part 2 of my other one lmao just lgbtq+ memes lol