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    - Jisung

"Chenle we should probably go back to Marks" He nodded and stood up

"Jisung before we go I just wanted to say I had fun last night I like hanging out with you" I smiled

"I like hanging out with you too" I started climbing down and waited for him at the bottom, when he was climbing his foot slipped and he fell, luckily i was there to catch him

Kind of, I fell when he landed on me

"I'm sorry but thanks for making the landing soft"

"You're welcome" I groaned

"Come on get up your so slow" Chenle said pulling me up

"Yeah it's not like some one just fell on top of me" Chenle laughed and dragged me away

"Oh god I just remembered something" he stopped walking

"What did you remember" I asked

"Mark's wallet" I cringed

"why did you have to remind me of that couldn't you keep that to yourself now I won't be able to look Mark or Donghyuck in the eye" he laughed at my reaction 

"Should we mention it to them" he asked

"maybe we'll save them and ourselves the embarrassment" he nodded

"Jisung your so slow hurry up" he grabbed my hand and started walking faster

When we got back to Marks house it was pretty quiet and there wasn't any people outside, except for someone who was asleep on the front lawn. Chenle opened the front door, apparently they don't lock it

"Is anyone awake" Chenle called out and Jaemin and Renjun came running

"Now where were you young man" Jaemin said

"I was with Jisung" Jaemin frowned

"Why are you guys holding hands" Renjun said

Chenle let go quickly and I could swear he was blushing a little bit "We weren't I was just making him walk faster since he was too slow" Renjun rolled his eyes

"okay whatever you say" Renjun said and then yawned and walked away

"Since you guys decided to bail you can start cleaning up" Jaemin said

"That's not fair" Chenle whined and Jaemin rolled his eyes

"You can start by kicking people out" Jaemin said 

Chenle huffed but nodded anyways "Go wake that guy outside and make him go home I'll check the back yard" I nodded and went back outside

I nudged the guy and he started to stir, I kept shaking him until he woke up "What do you want" he muttered

"Time to go home buddy" he yawned and sat up

"What time is it" he asked

"about 6 in the morning" he frowned

"Damn I was meant to be home hours ago" he laughed and got up

"See you around kid" he walked away, I felt like I should've told him that there was a hole in the back of his jeans and I could see his underwear but I didn't feel like having that conversation today. I yawned and went back inside

I went to the kitchen and there was someone sleeping on the floor, I woke her up and kicked her out, she was not happy about it

I went to go find Chenle and he was sitting next to this girl who was throwing up, he was holding her hair back

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