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    - Jisung

"mum I'm home where are you" I said when I walked into the living room and she wasn't there but the tv was on

"oh Jisung come into the kitchen" I sighed

"you didn't tell me Jeno was coming over" I frowned when I saw her with Jeno

"I didn't know he was coming" I said and she smiled

"well that's okay I haven't seen you two hang out since you moved school" Jeno smiled awkwardly

"yeah we're going to go hang out in my room now" I said grabbing his hand and dragging him to my room

"why are you here Jeno" I asked and he sighed

"I'm trying to do what I should've done six months ago" I rolled my eyes

"a bit to late for that now" he laughed

"come on your telling me that you don't miss me" I sighed, I did miss him, he was my best friend

"Of course I miss you dumbass you were my best friend" he smiled

"for the record I miss you too" he said

"I mean obviously you do, who else is going to put up with your annoying ass" he laughed

"so if we're friends again you wanna give me pretty boys numbers" I rolled my eyes

"yeah not happening" he sighed

"well it was worth a try" I laughed

"yeah sorry bro he's got a boyfriend" Jeno pouted

"why are all the cute ones taken" I laughed

"oh wait it's not true all the time your still single" he said winking at the end

"and you're still insufferable" he rolled his eyes and I hit him

"so how's your dating life going I'm guessing your single since you're asking me for someone elses number" he rolled his eyes

"yeah after the bad streak I had with dating I think it's shown me that the people at my school sucked and I needed to fix my type" I laughed

"Well glad I don't go to your school anymore or you'd be talking shit about me to me" he laughed

"I've also realised that I like men" he said

"well it's not that hard to realise you are gay as fuck dude" he rolled his eyes

"I probably should've listened to you sooner or none of those tragedies would of happened" I laughed

"what you did some toxic man thing and they kept dumping you" he nodded

"Listen I was going through a phase okay you went through the toxic masculinity phase too don't lie" I rolled my eyes

"anyways moving on what happened to you after you left I couldn't find you" I sighed

"nothing I just went home" he eyed me up and down like he could tell I was lying

"you're lying but I don't know why" I sighed

"doesn't matter either" he rolled his eyes

"guess I need to work my way back up to best friend status I guess" I laughed

"please that spot has been taken just try to make it to close friend status and then be done with it" he pouted

"you replaced me" I rolled my eyes

"shut up dumbass I didn't replace you" he laughed and I hit his shoulder

"it's that boy that jumped on you at the party isn't it" he said

"yeah that's Chenle" Jeno smirked

"you like him" I rolled my eyes

"Jeno be glad I haven't kicked you out of my house yet" he laughed

"your mum said I can stay for dinner" I rolled my eyes, she always had a soft spot for him

"Do you still have your switch" Jeno asked and I nodded

"you wanna play" I smiled

"your on bitch" he laughed, I guess I didn't realise how much I missed hanging out with him until now



"for this part of class I'm going to have you guys work in partners" my music teacher said and I frowned

he started pairing people off and when he got to me the only other person left was Chenle

"sorry Jisung but this task requires two people" I nodded, I didn't really mind since it was Chenle

"so I finally get to talk to the Park Jisung in the eyes of other students" Chenle said and I rolled my eyes

We started talking like nothing had happened at the party, I started to hear whispers and notice more people looking at us

"who is that kid and why is Chenle being so nice to him" - "maybe he pities him because that guy is so alone" - "he's kinda cute though" - "bitch don't you have a boyfriend" - "oh looking never hurt anybody"

I laughed at the conversation I was hearing, the people in our school really have no boundaries and most are assholes but I do admit they make me laugh sometimes

"Jisung don't listen to people let's just focus on our task" Chenle said his face becoming more serious

"right the task" I said

I was staring at him while he talked and I don't know why I didn't notice it sooner but his skin is absolute perfection, its so clear. He also looks really pretty today, then again he normally looks pretty. Wait no I need to focus

"Jisung were you even paying attention" he said and I snapped out of my thoughts

"yes" I said and he eyed me up and down before continuing

I don't know why but I really wanted to talk about what happened but Chenle seemed to only treat me as his friend so I think I got my answer

Whatever happened at the party meant nothing and me and Chenle are only friends and I will only ever view him as a friend

"Jisung that's the bell let's go" Chenle said and grabbed my hand

"what" I said looking dumbfounded and he laughed

"come on I'm hungry" he said and started pulling me out of the room

I think my plan might already be failing because damn I like it when he holds my hand


Hello lovelies

How are you I hope you're doing well and taking care of yourselves and remembering to eat well

This chapter is more of a filler chapter because I didn't know what else to write

I love you all so much <3

I hope you are having a good day or night

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