yandere gyutaroo x reader

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It was hot.

Way too hot for my liking or anyone's liking for that matter.

For that reason I was forced to do labor in the burning hot sun.

because the rich got everything and the poor gets nothing, that's how life works, i've learned that.

it sucks I know but complaining about it will only make it worse so I keep my mouth shut.

After a very hard day of being a slave, nighttime finally came, the still coolness was like absolute heaven to me.

I was sitting next to the brick wall of the prison that I would be inslaved for the rest of my already sucky life.

The reason why I was here was because I tried to steal from the rich in order to feed my starving family, but alas life doesn't work that way and I got caught and put in slavery for the rest of my life, over one stupid peice of jewelry that they could replace in a single second.

Before I even knew it, hot tears were rolling down my cheeks, I was crying, why was life so unfair, why did the rich get everything and the poor get nothing.

Apparently I was sobbing for a very long time because I then heard the bell that lets all the slaves know it was time to return to their cells.

I got up on my feet but was about to turn away when I suddenly felt something near my foot, I looked down the see what it was.

A red rose? That was odd who would leave one here?, I picked it up enjoyed in the fact that I could see something so pretty after such a long time.

I knew I wouldn't be able to enjoy its beauty if I took it with me so I hid it in some bushes so no one would find it, then ran all the way back to my cell.

right before I got in a hand suddenly pulled at my hair, they pulled harshly hurting my poor hair.

"what took you so long you little {b word}" a very harsh voice yelled into her ear.

yn knew this would happen, it happened every time someone was late to go into their cells, one mistake as a slave and even people who aren't rich can beat you up.

"I'm sorry, I tripped a lot and it was hard to walk because I haven't eaten in days-"

A smooth punch hit my face, sending me onto the floor with an immense amount of pain following after.


With that the guy who had been abusing me walked away and I managed to crawl back into my cell.

Gods i hate my life...

Me and a whole bunch of other slaves let out a loud scream.

Not because we were scared but because we were absolutely terrified of what we just saw.

That guy who had hit me after I was late too my cell past night was dead, not just the I stab you and your dead kind of thing, he entire body was ripped apart, his organs were all over the place, he was nearly unrecognizable the only reason we knew that it was him was because the only thing that was spared was his head.

Though I have to admit his head was probably the scariest part of his body at the moment, their was absolute fear in his eyes and his face looked like he just went through the most horrible experience ever.

Eventually after all our horrid screaming some guards came into the room and took us out immediately.

That night I couldn't help but wonder if that would happen again, was there a murderer on the lose?, Was I in danger? Who would end up dead next?

Even though that the guys death was declared a animal attack I knew that there was no way that an animal could have done that but no one seemed to agree with me.

It was horrible...

For the next couple days the deaths happened more and more, they were all different people with only one similarity: the fact that they all had did something to me.

One guy bumped into me and the next thing you knew he was dead, a guy who stole some of the food I was given, dead, a random person who looked at me wrong, dead dead dead.

I was getting really paranoid know, those red roses that I loved seeing for once in a blue moon know show up everywhere and they freak me out.

I was absolutely sure that I was being stalked, whoever this killer was, he or she was after me, I knew I had to be careful.

It was cold.

Too cold

It is the night of a storm and I can barely feel my fingers anymore.

I was running around trying to find shelter but I can barely see five feet I. Front of me.

Then suddenly I saw it the perfect place for shelter, or at least it was for me, a old shack.

I ran into it and closed the door behind me, I fell onto me knees and let out a huge sigh, then suddenly screamed when I heard thunder and some overly dramatic footsteps but I couldn't tell where they were coming from.

Fear struck my heart and all I could think about was if the killer was out to get me.

Then I heard a loud knocking at the door behind me, I turned around to face the door behind me, "go away!" I yelled.

Before I could say anything else suddenly a hand went over my mouth and a strong arm wrapping around my torso.

Sensing my panic the voice tried to calm me down, "darling why are you panicking I'm trying to save you why do you think I killed all of them, ughh rich people are so selfish I want them all too die"

I was freaking out, what did he mean save? Did he just admit to killing people.

"You know I've been watching you for a long time, I know how bad your treated, all because you tried to feed your family, don't worry I'm going to kill them all and then treat you like queen you are"

Before I could do anything suddenly I felt very very sleepy, to the point where I started to limp.

Before I could fully fall into sleep I heard the man say one more thing.

"In case your wondering my name is gyutaroo"

My eyes closed.

Ok end (I don't actually know gyutaroo that well but I do know one thing: he hates rich people so I tried to focus on that in this oneshot so sorry if he's out of character)

(Also I don't have any more requests so pls send some, preferably girl yanderes pls)

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