Chapter 2

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Light music played in the massive ballroom and people danced in pairs. The room smelled like a mix of new clothes and caviar and a certain roast animal that Frances could not quite identify.

Dress brushed against dress as young ladies glided gracefully across the floor in the arms of their partners. The men were in tail coats and the ladies had on ball gowns in different splashes of lovely colors ranging from strawberry red to baby pink causing the ballroom to appear even brighter and more beautiful.

The music first changed to a cha-cha then to a waltz and the once vibrant room suddenly dulled as partners became glued to one another, swaying ever so slowly to the sickeningly sweet harmony of the instruments.

Frances stood in a safe corner careful to avoid being spotted - mostly by girls. He donned a dress coat and a brilliant white bowtie. His father had changed into the same dress code. His hair was neatly brushed and tied back with a band like it always. His injures had been tended to by Belle herself, barely visible scratch marks being the only thing that indicated he had indeed been hurt. He glanced about the room, wondering how people could dance to such slow music. He would double over and faint from boredom.

He had been named Crown Prince earlier and had even succeeded in wearing his new crown longer than two minutes before taking it off and handing it over to his mother. His birthday cake had also been cut, a trifle task that somehow required a lot more effort than normal. The royal baker, Bouche, went all out with his baking and had ended up baking a semi tower that poeple could eat.

"Will you not dance, my dear?" A gentle voice asked from behind.

Frances turned and found his grandmother Belle standing behind him. She appeared even more beautiful than any maiden in the room. Her brown hair was rolled back into a bun where a crown of silver had been pushed to fit into it. She was overjoyed when she heard he was back from his hunting trip but had almost had a heart attack after seeing the bruises on his face.

She was also the one to save him from the King's intense scolding. Adam had not been happy at all and he did not try to hide it.

"No descendant of mine will intentionally bring harm to himself all in the name of adventure." He had said.

His tone frightened Frances and even though the two were close to an extent, he often cowered at the presence of his grandfather.

He was aware of the fact that King truly meant well and was only scared of losing a member of his family. Times were dark and the ruling monarch tried as within his power to keep his Kingdom safe - beginning with his own household.

"I cannot dance, mom." Frances said with a slight chuckle.

He addressed Belle as mom all the time mainly because a side glance at her would make one think they were looking at his mother but when talking to others, he referred her as grandmother to prevent any sort of confusion.

"You have taken classes." Belle added thoughtfully.

"I was not paying attention." He confessed.

"And i am not surprised to hear that." Belle laughed. "You should go and make friends, even if it is just one."

"I really do not want to." He protested sluggishly.

"You will be ruler one day and it will come in handy, you know, having good friends. Look at your grandfather." She confronted in her gentle tone and placed a hand on his shoulder.

Frances looked over at the buffet area and indeed found his King talking to a couple of men; some of which included Lumiere and Cogsworth, Adam's oldest friends. Frances could remember them being around since he was very young and knew that they were true, loyal friends. In fact, his grandfather seemed to have a close knit of people he confided in, people that Belle herself seemed to have known all her life; there was the head chef, Mrs Potts and her son, Chip. Frances always thought it was a very odd name for a man.

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