Chapter 29

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I know we're all wondering "what just happened in the previous chapter?" so i'll explain it.

See, Bree had spent too much time with Beasley as the pair had grown to be very emotionally connected to each other. During the period of her search for Beasley's home, something had happened in the town.

Jimothy came out of hiding and approached Bruno, asking to meet with Herb. He claimed he knew how Herb was interested in special creatures and had heard from a couple of informants that he even held a magnificent list of otherworldly creatures hostage, using them to put up expensive private shows to make more money.

Jimothy convinced Bruno that he wanted to make an addition to that list and his offer would be something Herb could not refuse.

"Alright. What exactly is this addition?" Bruno asked looking at Jimothy from head to feet. He'd heard a lot about the infamous outcast but had never met him until today.

It was late evening and he was about to leave his house for the airport when a rickety car much like Herb's but even worse, pulled up in his driveway. A tall, shaggy looking man came out with his face badly bruised, his eye swollen and purple. His right arm hung from a bandage and he walked with a cane.

"Who are you?" Bruno asked, clutching a revolver he had tucked in his jeans.

"No need to get excited, son. You must be Bruno." The man said.

"I am. And you are?"

"Jimothy. I'm very sure you've heard of me." Jim introduced but with little pride. Usually, what people heard of him was bad and even though he could not do anything to change it, he welcomed his identity. It brought him fear-driven respect to a certain level.

A surprised smile spread across Bruno's face. "You're the famous bastard that roughed up the Mayor. Holy shit."

"Careful how you talk, son." Jimothy warned.

"he roughed you back, didn't he? That was cold man, how's the interstate?" Bruno teased mockingly with a laugh.

"I want to speak with your father." Jimothy said holding back from punching Bruno in the face.

Bruno sized up Jim. "Got an appointment?"

Herb had a reputation of his own and so Bruno wasn't surprised that the stranger knew his father.

"I don't need one. I've got an offer he can't refuse, something that'll make him a billionaire within a snap." Jim said.

Bruno shut his car door that had been open the entire time then leaned against it. "crazy maniac wants to give my old man money making ideas. Care to tell me why?"

"I want to speak to Herb first, you'll find out then." Jim said impatiently. His dirty sleeves reeked of alcohol and medicine. This made Bruno scrunch up his nose in disgust every two minutes.

"You talk to me first, then you get to him. If not, then forget it." Bruno said and opened the car door again.

"I know about the drago." Jimothy stated.

Bruno halted and turned to face him, clutching his revolver once more. "What?"

"The serpentine he has locked away in Islay. I know he has three of them. The amphibian, the golden peacock, the amethyst bowfin, the. . ."

Bruno angrily pushed Jimothy against his car with the gun fixed on his jugular. "How do you know about all that?"

Jimothy chuckled. "I'm also a man of many secrets. I know when someone is hiding something especially a man like Herb."

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