Chapter 17

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Bree summoned Tatum and her crew to bar Gaper and told them her request. It was simple. Tatum and the other graffiti artists would decorate Mr Gordon's property with temporary spray paint - that ought to get his attention.

When he came calling, Bree would make him sign a petition for Jimothy's freedom and then the crew would take down the paint. It was a desperate and childish idea but Bree had a feeling it would work.

Gordon loved his properties as much as he did anything else. He tried hard to maintain a stainless reputation through them.

One would wonder what Bree had promised to give in return for Tate's services. Well, Ed had ransacked the artists hideout, taking all of their legit spray cans and Bree had promised to give it all back. There was nothing else a 12 year old graffiti artist would adore more than her precious spray cans.

Luckily, Tatum agreed. With her crew, they set out to visit one the Mayor's houses - taking with them bags of spray cans filled with assailable water color that was convincing enough to look like permanent marker on the wall.

Meanwhile, Bree went to visit Jimothy. He showed her his latest creation. He had built a large but simple cage - it was 14 feet tall with long horizontal poles to serve as a roof. It was pillared by solid metal bars on each side and a large flooring made out of metal and titanium - don't ask. The cage was open literally, one could basically walk through it but Jimothy had made the cage weight sensitive.

He explained that the minute the creature walked into it, the cage would snap under pressure, releasing strong metal bars on both sides to close the monster in. It wouldn't be able to squeeze out or break them and if it struggled, the bars would keep closing in until it would either suffocate it or kill it.

Bree had never been so delighted about anything in her life. If Jimothy weren't so weird, she would've have kissed him for being such a genius. She thanked him profusely and promised his petition was already on the way.

"How do i transport this back home?" Bree asked the million dollar question at last.

Jimothy explained how he'd put detachable wheels underneath the cage so she could literally roll the thing into town. But how did she hope to hide a 14 foot metal cage from people?

Jimothy was way ahead of her. His finishing touch hadn't been installed yet. He had somehow weaved a net of dark green leaves and Bree watched as he began to drape them all over the cage until it looked like a children's swing that was now covered in overgrown vegetation.

Jimothy was truly a genius. He was a hunter too so Bree couldn't find his intuition hard to believe.

Bree waited until 1am the next morning before transporting her cage back to town. She kept it near the farmhouse and convinced the suspicious driver into believing it was building equipment for the Pendulum.

By morning, Tate brought her good news. Mr Gordon had called an audience with her but Bree would have to go instead.

She was already having such a great day; victory in order, being called to the Mayor's office because of a gang of minor Michaelangelos. She put on a cream colored blazer jacket underneath a white top, black jeans and a strapped sandal.

She got busy putting her house in order first, arranging and folding up clothes when the doorbell rang.

She ran to it and pulled the handle. Norman stood there, his face grim with a frown.

"Hey!" Bree said. They hadn't spoken in weeks and he stopped calling and sending care packages. Bree figured he was sulking or waiting for her to reach out - either way, she was too busy to do anything else.

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