Chapter 31

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Beasley halted at the foot of his cave, wheezing like a steam train. Despite the stain of red on his body, he was starting to look blue. That wasn't a good sign.

Bree rode Jonas to the ruins just before his cave then jumped down. She ran past it but suddenly screeched to a stop when she noticed a flash from the corner her eye. She walked into the ruins, tracing the source of light to a pile of rubble. She squatted and grabbed hold of the object.

Whatever caused the light was suddenly snuffed out when Bree's hand touched it. She yanked at the object that looked like the hilt of a knife. After a few pulls, the object slid out from underneath the pile.

Bree gasped. It was the same sword she'd seen twice in her dreams. It was heavy but oddly well balanced. She pulled it along and ran over to Beasley.

"Where did you get that?" He asked weakly, eyeing the sword like it would cut him into tiny Beasley chops.

"Doesn't matter. Come on, we gotta go up! Up, up, up, up!" Bree chided whilst leading Beasley up the stone steps. He climbed slowly but they managed to make it to the cave entrance.

"Come on!" Bree urged and grabbed Beasley's arm, attempting to yank him forward but he barely budged. A couple of arrows suddenly whizzed past Bree's ears, sticking themselves to the wall.

"Oh no!" Bree breathed in a high pitched tone. Angry shouts drew nearer and soon, the crowd came to view baring weapons to kill. They had doubled in number, probably because they called for backup but Bree spotted no authorities. Her eyes widened at a huge object being pushed by a couple of men behind the crowd.

It was her trap.

Bree almost threw up. They were going to use it on Beasley.

"We have to go there, to that mountain on the far end. They'll corner us here." She urged.

Galloway led the crowd. He stopped about a hundred yards from the foot of the cave and pulled out a small microphone from his pocket. From where she stood, Bree could see him clearly but guessed he could not see her which was a good thing considering how much he wanted to hurt Beasley.

"Listen girly, there's no use aiding that beast. There's nowhere left to run. Bring it down here so we don't have to come up and kill it." He said. His tone carried no mercy whatsoever. He spoke of Beasley like he was a chipped teacup and Bree hated that.

Beasley looked up at her. In his weakened state, his blue eyes looked like a dimming candlelight. "Go down to them."

"What? Are you crazy?" She snapped shakily. The look in Beasley's eyes almost brought her to tears but she kept cool. It was clear he was about to give up.

"Just. go. down." He said weakly. Bree felt his arm shoving her gently so she could stand on her feet. She couldn't fight his weight and he didn't stop pushing until her head came to view to the crowd outside.

"Aha, there you are." Galloway cried. "That's a good girl."

Bree turned briefly to glance at Beasley. He tried to stand but his wobbly arms gave away and he fell flat again. Bree stifled a sob.

"Where's the beast, girl? Tell it to come down here." One of the men snapped.

"Patience, Tucci." Galloway placated with an open arm then turned to speak into the mic again. "Listen to me, the safety of innocent people in the town is all we care about and that thing is a danger to all of us. You saw how it stormed into town unauthorized and violent. It could wipe out an entire population and if we don't stop it, it will."

"He's harmless. You're all bastards." Bree shouted in a voice that clarified that she had indeed been crying quietly.

"Now now, miss. We're just doing our job." Galloway said. "I'm gonna count to three and if that monstrosity doesn't show it's face, well. . . ."

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